News 2024 

SIGNALS FROM THE EDGE - Laurie Hallett advises You can now book tickets for the Signals from the Edge land-based pirate radio conference (on Saturday the 1st of March 2025, at the University of Bedfordshire Post Graduate Centre, in Luton) via the link below....

We look forward to seeing you there!

6th February - an event webiste is now up and running

For those of you wishing to stay in Luton on the Friday night before the 'Signals from the Edge' Conference, the organisers will be staying at the Luton Town Centre Premier Inn (which has free NCP parking next door).... I'd strongly advise booking a hotel ASAP if you want to stay overnight as, because of the airport, hotels there can fill up unexpectedly fast! Premier Inn Luton 

Eds comments: this could be a very interesting event run by Laurie Hallett and Mark Dezanni (ex Radio Activity Crawley, Radio Zodiac/Zodiac 49 shortwave and Zodiac FM London and currently described as publisher RivieraLife TV.  Sadly ongoing health issues means that I cannot commit to this event or do a presentation. 

February 2025

Radio Caroline North - returns this weekend  fromFebruary 8th / 9th on 648 and 1368 AM plus the website and other places such as TuneIn and Radio UK. THis mon th Duncan Warren is guesting. He is ex BBC and I think Pirate FM in Cornwall, Duncan remembers listening to the original Caroline North in the 60 with the signal coming don the Irish sea. Good man coming to Caroline.

Radio Atlantis - the 60s and 70s UK based station will be returning to DAB on DAB+ in London, Brighton and Edinburgh as of 4th February. The station has picked up a few new ads recently including Boost Pet Foods, Higgidy Pies and a one year campaign from Suburu. Steve England should be returning soon as he has been away to Australia.  

January 2025

BBC - The Times today (30th January) reports that the World Service is cutting costs by £6million. Closing over 6% of it's news divisions positions (out of 2,000) including winding up the BBC Monitoring Service. In last years Autumn budget they received a £32 million boost.  Ed: this is crazy. BBC Monitorring has been an essential part of BBC news gathering and also helps in the security (perhaps inadvertently) of this country. Complain to your MP and demand this is stopped.

Roger Howe  following on from our report on the 24th today 28th The Telegraph states that Judge Mark Raeside ruled that the estate should pay £125,000 to Jenna Howe for reasonable provision including a weekly  allowance of £75 for 10 years as well as assiting in clearing debts and surgery for replacment breast implants.

Nick Mallinson - is the founder and Managing Director of community station Seahaven FM who was featured in last weeks' issue of the Radio Times (25th - 31st January) as the face behind the voice. In his resume he states "in the 70s I broadcast for a Sunday aftenoon on Radio Jennifer until it got raided (?1973) I've got my summons somewhere. He then went onto  hospital radio in Epsom. Nick confirmed to me that it was this was the Surrey based station which used to broadcast on an announced wavelength of 252 metres.  It was one of the first land based pirates I heard. In summer of  1974 Radio Kaleidoscope had a habit of doing tests late afternoon running into mid evening on weekdays to try out new or higher powered equipment. Confirmed by JET. Often these would be preceeded by old tapes of Radio Jennifer announcing 252 metres. A channel I think they had to abandon due to the return of Radio Caroline. Seahaven FM was at risk of closure in January but listeners rallied round and raised over £5,000 on a just giving page and the station attracted a major new sponsor.  Johan Noble does the weekday breakfast show  he used o be on Radio Jackie when they got their license. Link to  seahaven 

Ed: I talked to JET about this and Jim thinks he was Nick Johns on air.  He only ever heard Radio Jennifer a couple of times and got to know about them via the Radio Jackie Newsletters. He heard them first in 1972, in West Wickham then and the signal was extremely weak. They were Leatherhead/ Headley & Oxshott so Surrey. What he remembers is that they were raided a lot as a certain PC Digby used to track them down and then called in the Post Office. Jim thought Headley was one of their usual sites (or it was for a while). Moving to Ottershaw in July 1973 he thought he would hear them more but only remember hearing them on the August Bank Holiday Monday that year, that was a good signal but never heard them again. That broadcast was on 258 metres, but they were announcing 252 metres. Never heard them on 240 metres, (I might be wrong about that) not aware of that channel being used by Radio Jennifer. I remember Kaleidoscope high power tests on weekday evenings and yes do remember the Radio Jennifer tapes. When I caught the station in 1973 it was quite weak on the Surrey/North Sussex border. As was  Radio Kaleidoscope 266 and Radio Jackie on 227. JET annouces that in 1972/3 a good signal from Radio Jennifer could be heard in Feltham.

Roger Howe  started off building Am and FM tranmsitters and at 16 was building  rigs for London pirate  radio stations including  Bromley sound and JFM. Years later  he set up his own broadcast compamy BW Broadcast FM supplyimg commercial and military applications.  He passed away in March 2020 leaving an estate worth £1.48 million. He left his estate to his family except his daughter Jenna 37 who he excluded in his 2017 will.  She is currently involved in a claim for "reasonable provision" under the 1975 Inheritance Act seeking an award of £443,000. Her father cut her off due to her drug addiction. according to the article in today's Daily Telegraph (24th January) she'd already spent 150,000 in legal fees fighting her niece in court and reached a settlement. 

sasradiogroup - Next month is the 40th anniversary of our meetings at The Home Cottage in Redhill. So hope you can attend on 4th February.

Snowball - if you read our December 2024 newsletter on TPTV we mentioned at the end the film 'Snowball'  (1960). This is probably just a coincidence (schedules are created up to 8 weeks in advance) but it is showing next week on the channel on the 14th at 09.35 am starring Gordon Jackson and a vey young Dennis Waterman.  IMDb rating 6.8/10

Global - Tony L sent me a message about this group. Global  who own Capital, Classic FM, Heart, LBC and  Smooth Radio X  have made a £700 million loss since it last made a profit . In the year to March 2024 the loss was £120 million according to accounts filed at Companies House. The previous years losses were £101.1 million. It has also been reported today (9th January) on Radio roday UK that local and regional shows on Capital, Heart and Smooth are to be dropped in favour of a nation strategy similar to that already adopted in Wales and Scotland.  Eds comments: This scale of losses is unsurvivable (rememeber MG Rover group) At some point Global are going to going to have to break up the group to survive. Sadly this could be a fire sale.

sasradiogroup website - I have been doing some tidying up recently particluarly involving our archive news section.

Radio Caroline North - returns this weekend  from January 11th to 12th on 648 and 1368 AM plus the website and other places such as TuneIn and Radio UK. This time Keith Rogers of RNI will be on. He was aboard the Mebo 2 when itr was firebombed. 

Willem van Kooten "Joost den Draaijer"  paased away on 3rd January aged 83 - sadly another great loss to the radio world.  Joost did a voice test for Radio Veronica in 1961 and in 1965 he was responsible for re-formatting the station along Top 40 lines due to the influence of British offshore stations such as Radio London.  He also helped create the Radio Noordzee format for the Dutch programmes of RNI. Via MMI his shows were aired on Radio Monique in the 80s. He also created the format for the excellent Arrow Classic Rock. He started Red Bullet records with groups such as Golden Earing,  Earth & Fire, Focus, George Baker.,  Shocking Blue, Teach In and Stars on 45.

NEWS 2024 


Johnnie Walker MBE - very sad news today (31st Decemeber) that Johnnie has died from pulmonory fibrosis 2 months after retiring aged 79.  Not that we wanted to end 2024 on such a sad note but it has been a difficult year for all of us. Ed: There are many obituaries and tributes to Johnnie and I have decided that in January 2025 we will repost "A Review of an Evenning with Johnnie Walker from our August 2009 Newsletter" as a tribute.  It was a pleasure to meet him briefly after the event and discover what a warm and genuine person he was.  I remember hearing Johnnie on Radio One at lunchtimes which we would listen to in our Sixth Form unit at our lunch break, also when he took over Drive on Radio 2 in 1998 from John Dunn on my way home from work and lastly Sounds of the 70s. I spent a year visiting a close relative in hospital and drove home to his soundtrack on a Sunday. 

Pirates of the Airwaves" - Check out their new video for 'Pirates of the Airwaves', a track from Saxon's 2024 album 'Hell, Fire and Damnation'. It celebrates the pirate radio music revolution, the part Radio Caroline and Radio Luxembourg played and the changes it brought about – an excellent track!

Pirates of the airwaves 

Pub time one more time! - the December isue of SAS December 2024 Interference is now available on our website. This one is on the history of Talking PIctures TV. I had a postive response from people awaiting for it. Please note that this is going to be further amended after Christmas as I posed a few questions to TPTV but in the run up to Christmas they are busy!

Big L Radio London - A test stream is now running at 

Ross Revenege Dry Dock Appeal - Johnny Lewis has sent out an update as an anonymous donor via the Charities Aid Foundation  has just given £5,000 bringing the current total to £320,000. You can still donate at  

Laser Radio / Laser Hot Hits - confused? This is the Ray Anderson version. Now there are times when I am obligated not to put items on the website. It emerged in January when the 'new Laser 558' started that Ray had a parallel project in the background to re-launch Laser Hot Hits this year.  Ray also plans to use all American DJs some from the old Laser and some new. Ray apparently owns the copyright to Laser 558 and Laser Hot Hits 576 and a third party had the merchandising rights.  You'll notice the logos etc used by Stephen (Steve) Michael Bannister are different to the original. Is there room for both stations? Whilst I need to be neutral in this matter Steve's station sounds brilliant and has set a high water mark for Ray's Hot Hits. 

Pub time (again) International Radio Report  - Hans Knot  has surprised us with an additional report. his seventh of this year! This incliudes the generators on Shivering Sands Fort by Bob LeRoi - I contributed the a discussion on facebook and am pleased to say that Bob confirmed my info that a diesel generator was placed onboard. plus many memories Johnnie Walker, Maerk Dezzani  who was involved with Radio Activity in Crawley and Zodiac on Shortwave, 

Big L Radio London - Ian Damon, Tony Brandon and Pete Brady along with Ray Anderson and Alan Thompson are scheduled to appear on air 

USS Texas - Steel repairs on the hull are complete - The underside of the hull has been coated in PPG SIGMASHIELD 880 GF to protect the steel from potential corrosion.

Pub time again (Ed: mine is a pint of Bombardier before it is discontinued) but you can still buy Bombardier executive jets 

Offshore Echos Magazine - Edition 218  What was happening 50 years ago (quite a lot as many Belgian / Dutch newspaper articles are reproduced in English), Obituaries, Interview Chris Blackwell and his coonections with the early 60s music scene, REmembering Ronan - Michael Joseph, From the Offshore Turntables, Pat 2 of Mike Lindsay interview. (Ed:Obviously  you have to be a Michael or MIke to get articles in this edition! Sorry Chris you and the team do am excellent job at OEM!)  Page 59 has a great colour photo of the Mi Amigo taken in 1975 by Dave KIndred before the top section of the mast fell of in December.

Tune Into Yesterday Issue 103  Christmas 2024 landed on the doormat yesterday -Winter Radio (reception) along the English Riveria, The World This Christmas (1935), Pictures of the supply tender approaching RNI in 1973,  and Brian McKenzie,  plus various other aticles,  Issue 103 Suplement - Excavating the wartime sound heritage of Germany, Italy and Japan. Other Groups 

Signals From The Edge - an event by Lawrie Hallett, Mark Dezzani and Land Based Pirate Radio of the 70’s & 80’s

University of Bedfordshire is a one-day conference at the University of Bedfordshire takes place in Luton on the 1st of March. Tickets are expected to be priced at £55:00 including lunch and refreshments.


Duration: 8 hr

Public  · Anyone on or off Facebook

Contributions are coming in nicely, but there's still room for more. In addition to individual presentations and discussions, there will be film screenings and displays of pirate paraphernalia, articles and perhaps even equipment.

For those travelling to Luton on the Friday, we are also planning an informal meet and greet in the evening.

The closing date for paper submissions is Monday the 16th of December - so just a couple of weeks to go! If you are thinking of something to contribute and you've not yet been in touch, could you please just say so in reply to this post - we don't need details immediately, but we do need to get an idea of numbers in order to start working out the schedule number of sessions we might need to run.

Contact via Facebook Signals From The Edge 

Radio Caroline North - this weekend 14th/15th is the December broadcast. on 648 and 1368 AM plus the website and other places such as TuneIn and Radio UK.

648 Support Group - The next meeting of the Radio Caroline 648 Support Group is on Wednesday 11 December at Mr G’s Bowling Centre in Brandon. The evening starts at 8pm and entry is a £5 donation which includes a buffet. There’s a bar and raffle. Free parking and overnight accommodation available at the venue, Mr G’s Bowling Centre on Market Hill, Brandon, Suffolk IP27 0AA. Everyone welcome - just turn up!

No Man's Fort - We've reported on this before but this sold at auction for £1.2m. earlier this year. This is a hotel so you could stay in.

Talking Pictures TV - this months newsletter is on the subject of this excellent station and will be published soon.

Ross Revenege Dry Dock Appeal - Johnny Lewis and Tom Rivers advise that singer-songwriter Chris de  Burgh  is now a patron of the charity MV Ross Revenge. Ed this is good news as high profile paatrons are needed to mov this forward and will assist in helping to secure lottery funding. You can read the latest updates at and follow our charity’s progress at where you can also make a donation to our Crowdfunder if you wish. 

Big L Radio London - EAP have just annouced 11 hours of new programmes including Short wave relays on 9670 kHz 31 mb 22nd December 2400 GMT for 6 hours and on the 23rd from 1800 to 2400 hrs GMT, 3955 kHz 76 mb  on 22nd and 23 rd December from 2200 to 2400 hrs and6070 kHz 49 mb 22nd December from 1800 to 2400 GMT and December 23rd from 2100 to 2400 hrs. With Ray Anderson, Bealtes Spectacular and tribute shows recorded by former DJs of the Sixties station.


LV18 - Radio Mi Amigo have annouced three days of shows from 20th to 23rd December

Radio Caroline - the station is number 47 on the TuneIn list with ovder 100,000 followers.

Ross Revenege Dry Dock Appeal - Johnny Lewis  advises that this continues to go from strength to strength thanks to our supporters and we are very close to the next target of £315k. according to thew websote it is currently at £311k.  A lot of work is going on behind the scenes to look at the logistics and costs of dry docking our historic radio ship. We will also be announcing the exciting news next week that we have a new patron from the music industry. You can read the latest updates at and follow our charity’s progress at where you can also make a donation to our Crowdfunder if you wish. 

Penmon - Tony L advises that the 250' mast for this Welsh regional station is to be demolished according to plans submitted by Arquiva. This BBC site started on 1st February 1937 on 804 kHz and was retuned to the Athlone frequency of 565 kHz in September 1939 at the outbreak of war. This only lasted a short time before it was retuned to 767 kHz for the Home Service in 1940. When the war ended it went back on 804 kHz broadcasting the Welsh region of the Home Service. On the 15th March 1950 it  moved to 881 kHz with a very minor adjustment to 882 kHz for the 1975 Geneva band plan to  23rd November 1978.

(ED: is this the first BBC  medium wave regional station to be decommissioned)

The site will be returned to an open field as the transmitter hall will also be removed. This is not the original transmitter hall as this building was converted into a private residence. (details from an article by

Charles Plimpton RaidedGerry has pointed out to me an article in the latest Bayko News (No 95 (New Series).  Charles is best known as the inventor of Bayko a buiding set for children. Back in 1914 he was working for British Westinghouse, Trafford Park in Manchester.  In his summer holidays in late July  he put up a new aerial for his experimental wireless station and then took a day off driving his motorbike. When he came home he discovered that the aerial and transmtting station had been removed by two men from London!  This days before Great Britian entered the war. He eventually joined the Royal Navy as wireless operators were urgently required.

USS Texas - two thirds of the wooden deck have been replaced, last areas of the superstructure deck to be painted and blasted, repairs to the stern steel deck are complete, 

Radio Caroline North - Johnny Lewis tells us that the November broadcast is this upcomming weekend on 648 and 1368 AM plus the website and other places such as TuneIn and Radio UK.. 

TPTV - have made the final shortlist for favourite TV channel / streaming service and Best Factual Show (For the Footage Detectives) re TV Choice Awards for 2025. If you want them to take home the trophy I attach a link. Please note that you have until November 24th to do this. Voting form 

Radio Caroline Southampton Support Group - next meets on Wednesday 27 Novemberr at the Hamble Club, Hamble-le-Rice, Southampton, SO31, 4JL

Meet presenters, enjoy a buffet, and try their raffle! Meeting starts at 7.30 pm. Entry is a ten pound donation and everyone is welcome! All proceeds go to the Ross Revenge Charity Dry Dock Appeal.

MV Ross Revenge Francis Rossi has become a patron of Radio Caroline's chariy MV Ross Revenge Ross Revenge Charity it is also supported by the condition of the hull as the surveyor says it is in very good condition with little loss of thickness. Replacement anodes have alreay been gifted for the renovation. Over £250,000 uhas been raised for the drydocking and have a new target of £275,000

XEPRS 1090 Rosarito Mexico / San Diego California has reverted to an oldies format in September with a twist. Now being run by Mark Pascin. It uses many well known personalities including Wolfman Jack weekdays 5-7pm.  This is done using syndicated remasters created by Talent Masters. Power is 50kW.  XEPRS uses the taglines "some of the world’s greatest DJs, playing the world’s greatest oldies", and "radio the way it was meant to be heard".

Big L Radio London - EAP have sent out an email saying they are celebrating the stations 60th birthday by running a radio station on the internet plus SW plus AM. There will be DJs past and present. Frequencies and schedules to follow.

USS Texas BB35 - following upon our earlier reports this vessel is now back in the water and floating without leaks. Soon to be open to the public again. We will let you know when it happens.


LBC - Ray told us on the 30th that 1152 kHz in  London has been uncermoniously switched off.

International Radio Report  - Hans Knot  has surprised us with an additional report.  As usual many memories Big L T shirts, Roger Kent and Rob Eden re Radio Hollandia, Marc Jacobs, Johnnie Walker, Ray Balls (one of the Balls brothers who visited us many many years ago,  message from Victor Pelli  and Edwin Bollier, (of RNI fame)  plus links to browse through

Hans Knot International report 

sasradiogroup 2024 newsletters - please note that I do tweak these I am just adding something to the one on pirate TV on the Isle of Man.

Johnnie Walker - sadly did his last show on Radio 2 yesterday played after the ending of his last show. But  Ray Clark in his show that afternoon had an extensive interview.  Thanks to SMC facebook for a link to the podcast! 

Ray Clark tribute interview withJohnnie Walker  

Tony L reports that The Delaware Valley radio Association (DVRA) will mark the 86th anniversary of Orson Welles broadcast of "War of the Worlds"of October 30th 1938 with a specialevent radio station WOW. The DVRA will operate on 7.225, 14.225 and 21.300 MHz on Sunday Ocotber 27th from 12 to 5pm in Vant Nest park located in Grovers Mill

Radio Caroline - Mark Dezzani's Tuesday evening show is always recommended and this Tuesdays 22nd an in depth interview with with Jeff Wayne re War of The Worlds.

11th October 2024 - today is the last day of broadcasting from the radio building De Hofstede in Naarden. This was the home to Radio Noordzee (the Dutch Service from the Mebo 2), Radio Noordzee National 1992-2001, Classic FM  amonst others and until 6pm tonight Radio Veronica

Radio Caroline North - returns for the annual fundraiser from 12th to 13th October on 648 and 1368 AM plus the website and other places such as TuneIn and Radio UK.. There will be a show this weekend by  Mark Wesley ex Radio Essex, 270, Scotland, RNI and Luxembourg.

Johnnie Walker - announced at the weekend that he is  retiring from  his shows on Radio 2 fro  October 27th (Sounds of the 70s which will be taken by Bob Harris) ands the Rock Show will go to radio 1 presenter Shaun Keaveney). Johnnie (79) is struggling with pulmonary fibrosis and  it is reported may have months left to live. Johnnie has been doing his shows from home since COVID with the help of his wife Tiggy (63). (Ed Johnnie has had a great career and I hoped he would o a few shows for Carolin before finally retiring.)

Pub time again!

Tune Into Yesterday Issue 102 Autumn 2024 landed on the doormat whilst I was away From the radio Arvchives 1931-7 with Around Scotland with a Portable 1931 - how Daventry 150kW was listenable and skywave reception of BBC regionsl stations and the abysmal reception of Scottish stations plus Across the Atlantic with a portable in 1935 two very interesting articles for the radio anorak plus other items of interest. Nice photos of  Christopher Clark in the 390 studio, Radio 390 rate card and the MV Galaxy in 1967 with the bottle green hull, plus OB Dance Bands, At a Greman Beerfest, and Issue 102 Supplement "The German Loot collection at Czech radio (displaced archive recordings and Listening Under Mussolini in Italy 1938 and how the Italians tuned into Radio Toulose for entertainment! 

Radio Today reports - that a memorandum of unerstanding has been signed between BBC Local Radio and the CMA Community Media Association. Many community stations have local agreements with BBC Local stations and this effectively build on them.

Firstly after an unintended three week break I am back so time for some belated updates 


Intertnational Radio Report  - Hans Knot says it's time again for another episode of the Hans Knot International Radio Report, the  Septemberr 2024 edition.This is includes an obituary to Cael KIngston who I first heard on the pop news slot on Radio Mi Amigo Schools Out .. There is a revleation that Dale Winton turned down a job on the Ross Revenge so it was taken by Peter Tait! Another obituary was to Oonagh Kariangia  one of Ronan's right hand men in this case a woman.  Also the passing of Paul Jackson and an extensive article on the VOP plus Ian Biggar's memories of DX listening to Radio Atlantis, and KBIG 740 kHz 

Radio Caroline via Fecebook has advised  that their DAB coverage in Northern Ireland has been extended by joining the Lagan SSDAB Multiplex, which brings DAB+ coverage to almost half the population of the province. Covering the Greater Belfast and Lisburn region and surrounding areas, the MUX aims to provide real diversity for listeners in terms of the radio services it carries. 

Offsho Echoes Magazine - Issue 217 September 2024 is now available and arrived whilst I was in rehab recuperating from my  serious infection. This is part 3 of the OEM is 50 special series. This covers week-by -week in 1974 with What was Happening 50 years ago - This Week In the World, Offshore Radio News from that week,, The Number ones in that week's offshore radio charts and Around the Press - reprints of contemporary artciles about the stations. All in all a very well researched and presented and it must have taken Chris Edwards and his team some effort.  Plus Government Files - the government looking into EMI / Radio Caroline links. Remembering Ronan wsritten by Olivia Harrison  about George Harrison and Ronan, The Galaxy After August 14th the fifth and final part), From the Offshore Turntable Michael Robinson and The Day The Music Died and finally Mike Lindsay Interview Part 1.

Radio Caroline Southampton Support Group - next meets on Wednesday 11 September at the Hamble Club, Hamble-le-Rice, Southampton, SO31, 4JL

Caroline Flashback presenter Ray Robinson will be there - all the way from Los Angeles, and he’ll be hosting a fun quiz. Meet presenters, enjoy a buffet, and try their raffle! Meeting starts at 7.30 pm. Entry is a ten pound donation and everyone is welcome! All proceeds go to the Ross Revenge Charity Dry Dock Appeal.

sasradiogroup - next meeting is tomorrow 3rd September at the Home Cottage Redhill from around 8.30 pm. Entry is free come and meet fellow radio enthusiasts.

Sealand - today 2nd September is Independenec Day E Mare Libertas (From the Sea Freedom) For a feature on Seland by 60 Minutes go to: sealand 60 minutes 

Radio Caroline  Tommy Rivers posts on Facebook we go back to the 80s on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 September when we celebrate Radio Caroline’s return to the airwaves from our new radio ship Ross Revenge in August 83. Join us for a live broadcast from Ross Revenge with fabulous music and magical memories from the 80s. Hosted by past presenters from the decade - and some still on Caroline today.

Our great line-up features: 𝑻𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒚 𝑹𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔, 𝑷𝒂𝒖𝒍 𝑴𝒄𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒂, 𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑽𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕, 𝑺𝒖𝒔𝒂𝒏 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒆𝒔, 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒅, 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑫𝒘𝒚𝒆𝒓, 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒍 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒏, 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝑷𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏, 𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑷𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒔, 𝑲𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒏 𝑻𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒔

The Dawn of The Ross Weekend - music and nostalgia from those who were on board Ross Revenge when it returned in the 1980s!

On 648 AM and online at 


FRSH (Free Radio Service Holland) one of JETs associates forwarded an email from them where they are 44 years old this August and about their newsletter FRS Summer 24. FRSH uses the following frequencies  7700, 6185 and 5,7 MHz. Transmissions last 5 hours with 45 mintute shows. Broadcasts this Saturday and the 50th anniversary of the closure of the Dutch stations Veronica, RNI and Atlantis will not go unnoticed!

Additionally, the FRS Newsletter Summer 2024 was completed today. It includes all the ins and outs of our three-part Summer Splash in July and August, along with several interesting articles and, of course, a selection of the emails/ snail mails wereceived. You can download the FRS Newsletter for free via

We greatly appreciate any small donation... see our website for more details. Donations can be made via PayPal (use: or simply via POBox

2702, 6049 ZG Herten, the Netherlands. This week, we will begin responding to emails and letters via our PO Box.

If this is the first time you’ve received a message from FRS-Holland: welcome! Your email address has been added to our address book. This means that from now on, you will automatically be notified in advance when a broadcast is scheduled. Of course, it’s also worth checking our website regularly.

FRS-Holland 44 years

This Saturday is the official birthday of FRS-Holland. Originally started on August 31, 1980, we celebrate our 44th anniversary. We will pay attention to this in our October (or early November) broadcast.

August month = Offshore Radio month

August: Offshore Radio Month August is a significant radio month with regard to offshore radio. It was on August 14, 1967, that the English offshore stations (except for both Carolines) had to cease their activities from the sea due to the Marine Offences Act.

On August 31, 1974, Radio North Sea International, Veronica, and Atlantis met the same fate. Mi Amigo continued from a new anchor location off the English coast along with Radio Caroline. This Saturday marks exactly 50 years since Veronica and Radio Northsea Int. stopped their broadcasts. This special

‘anniversary’ will not go unnoticed! Internet station Radio Veronica 192 is broadcasting the final week of Veronica in its entirety this week:

This Saturday, starting at 12:00 PM, a reunion will begin, and Radio 192 will broadcast from the legendary Norderney (in Amsterdam) with some of the original

DJs. Another oldies internet station is Radio Extra Gold. While everyone else stops on August 31, Radio Extra Gold will present the annual Offshore Radio Top 74 live from Museum RockArt in Hoek van Holland this time on Sunday, September 1, from  to 6:00 PM, in the most beautiful museum in the Netherlands. . The Dutch 'state radio' also pays attention to the offshore stations. This will happen on Saturday, August 31, on Radio 5. For more info, videos,podcasts, and more, visit  .

73s from the FRSH team

648 Support Group - The next meeting of the Radio Caroline 648 Support Group is at 7 pm on Wednesday 28 August at Mr G’s Bowling Centre, Market Hill,Brandon. Suffolk IP27 )AA. Caroline presenters Barry James, Steve Dack and Rob Proctor will be there, plus guest speaker Ray Clark - and Stephen Foster will be running his quiz. Their is a bar and raffle too. Entry donatio £5.

Dave Foster- Radio Caroline has announced the passing of this key man in Caroline's story. He joined in 1987 having worked on Dart Hospital Radio, he ran the god tapes on Viewpoint (a very responsible job) and was a key man in getting the Caroline North broadcasts together (in association with Manx Radio)

Jenni Baynton  Radio 74 - 

Radio event on Radio light ship Jenni Baynton 24 to 31 August 2024 under the name Radio 74. 50 years after the enforced closure of Radio Noordzee and Veronica, from their radio ships, to bring back the atmosphere of before on the radio Link attached 

Weekend Music Radio - Jack Russell continues this station on 3975 and 6160 kHz (plus other frequencies). Sunday 25ths transmission was of interest as they played an extract from Caroline in early October 1978. Stevie Gordan and Samantha Dubois very late at night. Samantha commented her feet were getting wet as the floor was covered in water (you can hear it sloshing around).  Later on there is a big noise in the background as the ships pumps were going.  That also said that  night at 2am the transmissions were to close for transmitter and generator maintainence. You can catch up on this by clicking on the link below 

SUSY Radio 103.4 FMYes we don't say much about this station partially because they trust me not to spill the beans on any developments until the correct time but now we can say that a new studio has been built. It has been funded or partially funded by monies from the Gatwick Airport Community Trust as part of £250,000 given to good causes this year. This is in addition to several groups which received funding including St Catherine’s Hospice, Jigsaw South East, and Sal’s Shoes. The original Merstham studios were forced to close due to redevelopment of the building . Afterwards programming has been from presenters own studios. Hence "from studios across Sussex and Surrey".The  new studio is a part of the community stations commitments.   (Ed: this article has been sourced from information in the public domain  Susy Radio 103.4  local on air news dated 19th August 2024 and the susyradio website.

Artic 252 - word reached us a few days ago of this interesting station from their website Arctic Radio started as a project in the Spring of 2024. With the decline in LW broadcasts it was mostly with nostalgia the project was born but the need for an independent Arctic based radio station was recognised. It will have multi-language programming in English, Finnish, Inari Sámi, Northern Sámi and Skolt Sámi it caters for the people who live in our Arctic area. We will begin broadcasting later this year from Inari, Northern Finland with 1kW, we hope to slowly upgrade the power as time goes on. Our goal is a dedicated LW station that will cover most of the Arctic region in the future. 252 kHz was the former home of Finland’s YLE longwave station from Lahti that was switched off in 1993. A commonly asked question is why 252 kHz? The short answer is Finland only has 252 kHz allocated under the GE75 ITU plan. We are aware of the power of Algeria also on 252 that may hinder reception of our station further South but we are hopeful in future that we may be granted a clear channel by the ITU. 

LV18 - the ship has re-opened to visitors after ast years fire and smoke damage. LV18 is open daily from 11am to 4pm between April – October. During the winter we are open to pre-arranged visits only, please call (number below) if you wish to make a booking. 

Spirit of the 70s  Felixstowe & Offshore Radio have made the following comment: f you missed any of 'The Spirit of the 70's weekend On Radio Caroline (or just want to 'listen again' to the fab music), thanks to the late Roand Beaney you can do so here via this link:

 I will nip into this over the next few days.

Radio Caroline North - returns for the annual fundraiser from 9th to 11th August on 648 and 1368 AM plus the website and other places such as TuneIN and Radio UK.

Radio Caroline - many of us will be tuned into the "Spirit of the 70s Broadcast" this weekend on 648 kHz, Caroline website etc.  also extended to 1368 kHz!

Ross Revenge - the drydock appealcurrently exceeds £240,000!


BBC Light Programme! Today (29th) is the anniversary of the first broadcast by the Light Programme which superseded the General Forces network. It signed on at 9am on 200 kHz 1500 metres Longwave with 200 kW and 1149 kHz Medium wave via 10 lower powered transmitters.  

Radio Caroline - has extended their broadcasting reach with the launch of the Album Channel and Caroline Flashback on DAB across Northern Ireland. This significant milestone, achieved in collaboration with Ulster MUX, marks a new era for radio listeners in the region.

Initially, the project aimed to serve Newry, but thanks to the ambitious efforts by Ulster MUX, the coverage has expanded significantly. On 15 July, the team successfully launched the service across a much broader territory.

“We are thrilled to bring the Radio Caroline Album Channel and Caroline Flashback to a wider audience in Northern Ireland,” said station manager Peter Moore. “For Radio Caroline, this expansion is particularly meaningful because it allows the us to broadcast to Greenore, the historic site where our two iconic radio ships Mi Amigo and Fredericia were converted in secrecy over 60 years ago.

“This port, which was owned by the father of Radio Caroline's founder Ronan O'Rahilly, holds a special place in the station's colourful past. So the expansion not only strengthens our presence but also reconnects us with a significant part of our history.”

The full coverage area can be found at

Battleship Texas - the last of the secondary battery of 5" guns  has now been remounted on the ship as part of her ongoing restoration.

Radio Carolone 648 - TH𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝟕𝟎𝐒 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞-𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭!

Presenters who were part of the team that brought you the magic of Europe’s 1st Album station from the Mi Amigo during the 1970s will be stepping aboard the Ross Revenge to relive those days - one more time.

Join 𝑻𝒐𝒎 𝑨𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏, 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒆𝒍 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒔, 𝑹𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒘𝒔, 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏 𝑭𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒓, 𝑴𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒔, 𝑩𝒐𝒃 𝑳𝒂𝒘𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆, 𝑪𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒇 𝑶𝒔𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆 and 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒄 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒔 for three days of great music … and one or two surprises too!

Tune in on 648 AM and on-line from 7am on Friday 2 August to 9pm on Sunday 4 August.

If you would like to visit and tour Ross Revenge during the broadcast there are a few spaces on trips added on Friday 2 August. Email to book

Intertnational Radio Report  - Hans Knot says it's time again for another episode of the Hans Knot International Radio Report, the Summer 2024 edition. This includes a  longer article about the proposed RADEX, RNI interference, and Paul Jackson takes us to the VOP, and what happend to the 1 million guilders RNI returned to Radio Veronica. 

Dateline Diamonds - is available on TPTV tomorrow morning (12th Juy) at 8.55 am. This is noted for featuring the MV Galaxy of BIg L Radio London fame.

Paul May - Hans Knot advised yesterday that Paul passed away from cancer on 8th July.  Paul was 74 (born 1950) and got into radio when living in the USA when young. He and his family lived in both the USA and Norfolk, UK.  He joined RNI in August '71 after Tony Alan and Andy Archer had been sacked and left in July 72 afte getting married. He was asked to join Laser558 on 26th May 1984 and broadcsat as Paul Dean until that September.. He was also involved with the launch of Laser Hot Hits 576 as Operations Manager and broadcast in December 1986. I think he had dual US/UK citizenship.

Ofcom - known as offswitch to the sas crew - this time the off switch is for the proposed BBC Radio 2 Oldies spin off This was to be on line and then added onto DAB. Radiocentre welcomed the news. Boom Radio lobbied against the BBC as did Greatest Hits Radio. Both stations were created to fill in the void created by the BBC as they pushed Radio 2 to a younger audience.

Caroline North - the next broadcast is upcomming this weekend 13/14 July on 1368 and 648 kHz  as usual well worth a listen into!

Trella Hart - on the SMC website Norman Barrington posted the sad news that she passed away on 4th July 2024. To repeat his quote “ A unique singer with the great personality, who made jingles so much more than just jingles. Her instantly recognisable voice, powerful enough to drive the most strident jingle as soloist, yet just as delicate and fragile when the score required (Hear WSGN, KQV-FM & WRIZ).

As natural with a fun novelty cut as with a jazz standard. She was everywhere, PAMS, Pepper Tanner, Gwinsound, Spot Productions, JAM, TM, CPMG, KenR, Alfasound and more. We were fortunate that the BBC chose some of her cuts in 1967. Also profusely bootlegged by Radio Caroline, Radio Veronica and RNI.

She will indeed be sadly missed by all who worked with her, and those who loved her personality through her voice. One for the truly great singers, from the golden age of radio " 


Mi Amigo 50 -  This weekend, 28th to 30th June  ferom Friday to Sunday, the last celebration of Radio Mi Amigo International. The big names of 74-79 will pass by in three days of remembrance broadcasts from the ship Castor ( a sister ship to the Ballatrix)  in the harbor of Terneuzen Zeeland. You can follow it live via the Internet and a number of middle-golf stations spread across the Netherlands  on 1098 khz (272), 1395 khz, 1485 khz, 900 khz, 1224 khz and in Terneuzen on 106 7 FM

MV Norderney Hans Knot advises on the SMC Facebook page that everyone can go to the Veronicas ship in Amsterdam on 31 August this year from 14 h. We cordially invite you on Saturday 31 August from 2 pm at the Norderney to reminisce and Radio 192 will also be present

The Veronica ship is located at the NDSM-Pier in Amsterdam-North, opposite the IJ-canteen and next to the Botel.

Ofcom - Ofcom has published a statement for their Analogue Radio Technical Code consultation, and it includes permission for AM stations to offer better quality audio. Historically AM bandwidth has been down to international treaties in Europe this has been 9kHz whereas the US has used 10kHz (also used pre-1978 in Asia). The

Ofcom points out that as the AM band is fairly vacant across much of Europe, and as audio processors and filtering has considerably improved (Digital Signal Processing) for a number of years countries such as Spain, much of Asia, Australia and others have run 9khz audio bandwidth on AM, Ofcom is now going to allow existing AM licensees, on a case-by-case basis, to increase their audio bandwidth.

For four years Ofcom has been lobbied by Maxxwave (on behalf of the majority of remaining AM broadcasters) with DCMS and Ofcom to follow the example of other countries who have already permitted expanded audio bandwidth a number of years ago.

Radio Seerah Leicester 1575 and Radio Panj Coventry 1521 have already put their requests in, and others are expected to follow.

One hopes that this will be granted to Caroline 648.

Eds Comment The issue is that sadly listening on many modern radio receivers which have AM will not benefit due to their poor design. 

sasradiogroup website - we now have a page dedicated to the late Dennis Jason on our website under the memories section.

OEM - Offshore Echos Magazine - today 14th June Edition 216 June 2024 has dropped dropped through my letterbox. OEM continuesWhat Was Happening 50 years ago, more government files, The Galaxy after 1th August 1967 Part 4 (this features lots of contemporary German newspaper reports, From  he Offshore Turnables and French Mi Amigo Sory Part 2. Important Note: OEM has a new mailing address Offshore Echo's, London WC1N 3XX. 

Battleship Texas - restoration work continues above main deck - bow and forward turrets are being repainted, 20mm foundation  rings being welded. Remember the Texas was used in WW2 to relay the VOA on AM to North Africa and is part of offshore radio history.

Steam Tug Challenge - to answer questions in advance. This vessell is the last operating steam tug in the UK and was used to postion the mansel forts into place - Challenge is now back and moored up back on her buoys. A lot of work was been put in to make the trip to Normandy a success. Challenge completed an approx 500 mile round trip to commemorate D-Day 80 in France. Whilst in France they met many people, including some of the veterans of D-Day, visited the Normandy memorial and took part in some of the events taking place at Pegasus Bridge. The vessel is now 93 years old. Eds comment Tony L who used to attend our meets was, at one time, part of the team in restoring her.

MV Ross Revenge - the homepage of the Caroline website stresses that the ship is not abandoned. WE totally agree on this. There are monthly live broadcasts, visitors regularly visit and maintenance tesms work all over the ship. Recently one of the two Perkins generators failed and it was repaired with  a 'new' alternator. The Rossrevenge charity had so far raised £243,000, they have placed an order for 50 new anodes in preparation for dry docking. So things are happening and they have quotes for paint, towage and insurance. etc.

Johnnie Walker -  Radio 2 and the Daily Mail have reported that the  79 year old veteren DJ is completely housebound and being cared for by his wife Tiggy 24 hours a day forinflamation of the lungs.  Yesterday (12th June) in an article in the Daily telegraph Johnnie was told it is only a matter of time. The saddest news.

Abandoned Engineering - the Ross Revenge is featured on the 10th June edition"Pirates of the North Sea" on Yesterday (UKTV). This is still available via UKTV Play which can be streamed free on demand.


Radio Caroline Southampton Support Group- next meeting Wednesday 12th June. There will be merchandise on sale, a bar and the chance to catch up with Caroline presenters. All this will take place at the Hamble Club, Beaulieu Road, Hamble-le-Rice, SO31 4JL.

Further meetings are planned through 2024 as follows: Wednesday 24 April, Wednesday 12 June, Wednesday 11 September, Wednesday 27 November.

Abandoned Engineering - there is a new series starting next week on 10th June on Yesterday (UKTV) and we noted in the that there is a shot of the Ross Revenge  in the latst promo. So presumably it will feature at some time.

Interference newsletter -the May edition on the new Laser558 is now available but it may be subject to amendments for a few days.

LASER558  celebrating the 40th anniversary of the original launch by re-creating the station’s first day on May 24th 2024. Steve Bannister Station Director, told RadioToday: “We are very excited to be bringing a special celebration of LASER558’s launch 40 years ago. Many of those original jocks have recorded new material for us and are sharing some never-before-heard stories and memories that we will also be broadcasting throughout the day. On the day, we’ll also be broadcasting a special commemorative program as well as a round-table chat with former jocks to be posted on our website.

Then on May 25th a new schedule will commence it will see five of the original DJs including two of the Laserettes  arereturning to the airways. Cbris Carson, Jeff Davis , Erin Kelly ,Craig Novak, and Jay Mack. According to the report in Radio Today they ahve been working with Steve  behind the scenes for a while, and looking forward to being back and to repaying the kindness and support they received from so many listeners 40 years ago.”

Former LASER558 DJ Jeff Davis says he was stunned  “but not surprised that Laser’s legacy continues to live on so many decades later. I am also thrilled to speak to music fans in The UK and the European continent once again. Is this really happening?”

Jay Mack, who joined the station in 1985, says, “The listeners made Laser a special radio experience. They’re still out there, the great songs are still out there, and so are we, the original Laser DJs!”

See more at

Jenni Baynton  Radio 74 - 

Radio event on Radio light ship Jenni Baynton 24 to 31 August 2024 This will take place from 24 to 31 August 2024 under the name Radio 74. 50 years after the enforced closure of Radio Noordzee and Veronica, from their radio ships, we want to bring back the atmosphere of before on the radio.

We will be doing daily radio programs from 7:00 to 7:00 p.m. with vinyl that was available until August 31, 1974. You can come and make a program on board for which we charge 50 euros per hour, from this amount we hope to save something for the maintenance of the beautiful red ship.

Of course you can also sponsor a DJ for this amount.

You can broadcast the program at your station.

An FM event transmitter is coming on board.

Already promised other frequencies of poisoned 747 KHz AM Pietersbierum, 900 KHz AM Terneuzen, 1467 KHz AM Meppel, 1134 KHz AM Oijen, and on DAB+ Emmeloord, join as well.

You can register with me for participation for creating a radio program or reading the news on the days of 24 to 30 August at the email address:

The 31st is going to get a special fill that we are still working on. You can specify a day and time when you would like to come and make a program aboard the ship.If this slot is still free I can schedule you for the time being and you will receive the payment information from me.

We provide the jingles, historical marine station jingles and commercials and some specifically made Radio 74 jingles, jingles from other stations are not allowed. A neutral name jingle from the DJ mag.

We also provide as much vinyl as possible.

Taking vinyl yourself from the target period is allowed.

We are still going to work out a mode to prevent the same music from being played every hour, therefore some restrictions need to be implemented, we still have to work out details.

If you have vinyl from the target period that you would like to get rid of and would like to donate it to the ship, we will only make the event more beautiful.

If you want to broadcast the event at your station as a station, it can also be made known through the same email address.

I'll put this on the list and you'll get the address of the webstream in a timely manner that you can pick up.

During the event, the ship will also be open to the public several hours a day.

During the night the program will be filled by the English-language Radio Seagull, which will also stick to the music from that period, then of course in the genre that suits Seagull, the Seagull joks will also start making their programs live from the Jenni Baynton.

Are you or do you know a party that would like to advertise during the event then you can also indicate it to me via message, I will make sure it gets to the right people.

They will then contact you.

If you want to donate to the foundation, of course you can always do so.

NL94 INGB 0003 2177 58 t.n.v. Foundation Friends of the Light Ship Harlingen.

More information about the radio light ship can be found at


Would you like to share this message within your organization, perhaps there are employees who would like to participate.

Please forward to potential interested parties.

On behalf of the Friends of the Lightship Foundation, Radio 74

With a friendly greeting,

Jan Berg


Intertnational Radio Report  - Hans Knot says it's time again for another episode of the Hans Knot International Radio Report, the May 2024 edition. Several readers worldwide contributed and it provided a variety of topics. These include a historical story about the Caroline Road Shows by Jan van Heeren, discussion about a documentary tipped from Australia. Sadly, three more people from the radio world also passed away, which is of course dwelled upon. The steamer Waverley will set sail this autumn and the promoter is calling on former offshore radio staff from the 1960s to accompany these trips. We have a special feature on Radio Luxembourg. From Flanders, a story about Radio Scotland and the Radio Concorde project that never took off. Info on the RadioTag in Hilden next autumn and 2 articles from my own ‘pen’ on a TV project called OTERM and one on various reports on alleged interference by RNI in 1970. Finally, a wonderful radio trip report by Christian Bergmann from Saxony. Have a good time reading 

Intermission  is a monthly magazine produced by TPTV


Caroline North - the next broadcast has come around fairly quickly on 4th/5th May on 1368 and 648 kHz  with ex Laser 558 DJ Tommy Rivers on air Saturday at 12:30 and Sunday at 0900 . Well worth a listen into!

Tommy Rivers - rumour has it that Tommy (rambo) Rivers is visiting the Ross Revenge this wwekend 4-5May to celebrate 40 years of Laser 558.

MV Ross Revenge - according to the Caroline website £215,000 has been raised so far for drydocking and restoration of the ship (it hs been 30 years since she was alast drydocked. £15,000 had been raised after Easter and the new taret is £250,000. 

Caroline Community Radio - is no more! RadioToday reports that they have been given an extra frequency now 104.7 MHz FM to extend coverage now under the name of Caroline Coastal FM after extending its area to Maldon from Burnham on Crouch. 94.7MHz.

Radio Caroline Southampton Support Group - the next meeting is due on place on Wednesday 24th April. As usual there will be merchandise on sale, a bar and the chance to catch up with Caroline presenters. All this will take place at the Hamble Club, Beaulieu Road, Hamble-le-Rice, SO31 4JL.

Further meetings are planned through 2024 as follows: Wednesday 24 April, Wednesday 12 June, Wednesday 11 September, Wednesday 27 November.

After our April fool about SUSY Talks Devon's Radio Exe has launched Devoncast Radio with 24/7 speach. It will feature sport, talk, arts and culture, with podcasts produced in or about the county across much of the south of Devon, together with local news and what’s on guides.   

Radio Caroline North - it doesn't seem long since the  last one but the next broadcast is this weekend 13th-14th April, live from thr radio ship Ross Revenge.

Via 1368 to NW England, 648 to SE England, DAB on the Isle of Mann.

The Intrepid Birdman Returns - following on from our pirate TV newsletter word reaches us that Thameside Radios Intrepid Birdman is making programmes here is the link IntrepidBirdman IF that doesn't work try the direct link Direct Link on Soundcloud

April 1st

Tune Into Yesterday - Issue 101 arrived last week. From the radio archived 1934-1973 Articles from Radio Pictorial in the 1930s including a visit to Radio Luxembourg, Full page shots of MV Caroline off the Isle of Man and Mebo II being refuelled in 1973 plus Supplement "Berlin Speaking" by William L Shirer in September 1940

Stratovision, was a 1949 airborne television system using B-29s flying at high altitudes. Fourteen aircraft would’ve provided coverage for neary 80% of the population of the USA. The program was never fully implemented, although it saw limited domestic use.   

SUSY Talks - is a proposed commercial half sister station to our local community station using an all news and talk radio format. This was chosen after considering various music genres as the biggest expansion in radio nowadays on DAB are speach stations. Staff  will be mainly ex BBC local radio. It is proposed to do an initial trial 3 month broadcast via the Surrey DAB multiplex and, if this is successful extend to cover Sussex via the Sussex multiplex. Known by a chosen few insiders as Susywaffles. 

How to Build a Radio Ship - this television  project was closed down by the Police and RIS officials on the evenning of March 27th. Mark Evans is believed to be behind this project. Internal work on the former trawler was described as complete. The arrival of an 80' versatower and rigging is beleived to have sparked the raid.  Although with a camera crew around the locals had become interested,  Two former ILR 1kW transmitters were removed along with studio equipment. Thanks to Bent Antennae for this very interesting report.  We hope to be able to add further details in due course.

March 2024

Radio Hauraki - the Wynyard bridge is closed due to technical issues. This is the bridge that was closed to  prevent the MV Tiri from sailing in December 1966 . The crew and the public tried to stop the authorities from their actions to stop the vessel sailing.  A gathering of the ‘pirates’ was held to unveil the signage at the site of the escape, including family and friends of David Gapes,  one of the co-founders of Radio Hauraki who passed away earlier this month.

Interference newsletter - we are currently compiling a tribute to Caroline of memories. If you have any for inclusion please email to our contatc address.

BBC Radio 2 - Friday at 12.00 hrs Johnnie Walker and Tony Blackburn host a two hour show dedictaed to the 60s  pirates and there time on Caroline and London.

Offshore Echoes Magazine Issue 215 - OEM is 50 Yes 50 years old. A very special issue with OEM is 50, What was Happenong 50 years ago, Peter Chicago Recalls part 4, Government Files, The Galaxy after August 14th 1967 Part 4, From the Offshore Turntable and the French Radio Mi Amigo Story .

OEM is the last printed magazine devoted entirely to Offshore Radio . To get this issue and other backissues contact

Caroline 60th Birthday Ray Clark DJ and author plus other Radio Caroline DJs will re-open Felixstowe Museum at 12.00 hrs on Thursday 28th March. He will also be joined by a number of current Caroline DJs. The existing display Fleixstowe and Offshore radio will be expanded to cover 1964 to the 1980s.

BBC Radio 4 - as widely reported will turn off its medium wave frequencies and end its separate schedule for LW by April 15th 2024.

Longwave 198 kHz


Aberdeen – 1449 MW

Belfast – 720 MW

Carlisle – 1485 MW

Cornwall – 756 MW

Enniskillen – 774 MW

London – 720 MW

Londonderry – 720 MW

Newcastle – 603 MW

Plymouth – 774 MW

Radio Caroline - celebrates their 60th Birthday at Easter. radio Caroline North returns on FRiday 29th March on 1368 kHz to NW England, plus DAB for the Isle of Man and 648 kHz for South East 

sasradiogroup - next meet is on Tuesday 2nd April at the Home Cottage in REdhill starting from 8.30pm as usual. Come and celebrate Caroline's birthday with fellow afficionados.

BBC Planning on Adverts - this made the national press this week!  His was appoved by the Beebs board  and is waiting for assessmewnt by Ofcom. This would apply to on-demand radio shows streamed via third party players like Spotify, Apple etc. The first phase is expected soon and news and current affairs would be for the moment excluded. This would not apply to BBC Sounds. Needless to say the commercial sector is fiercly opposed to this as they feel the BBC will steal their income. Sounding familiar? 

Radio Monique International - A new antennae was installed on February 17th for a new frequency 1332 kHz (rather appropriate that they are now using an old offshore radio frequency) is one of the Dutch broadcasters with a mere 100 watt license (we preums this replaces 918 kHz from Velsen in the Netherlands. Meanwhile the BNLFRR (Benelux Free Radio Revolution) says they would allocate them 10kW on this channel. We think this is additional to 918 kHz. 

Radio Monique 918 

David Gapes - The New Zealand Herald reports that David one of the four co-founders of Radio Hauraki has died today in news reported by his son Eddie.

Intertnational Radio Report  - The 275th edition of the Hans Knot International Radio Report, since the beginning of this century, is now available for download. 34 pages full of memories. Robb Eden explains in detail how the Ross Revenge was acquired in Cairnryan, Scotland, but also comes with his own insight about the Caroline organisation in the 1970s and 1980s. There are again many photo updates and Martin van der Ven has written three excellent articles on the lesser-known offshore stations: Goddess of Democracy, Radio Marue and Radio Diego Suarez. Also, reminiscences by Don Stevens of Ken Dicken and we reflect on the deaths of Jan van Veen and Steve Wright, among others. You can download this episode of the report at: 

Battleship USS Texas - yesterday the 5th March BB-35 was fully refloated after 18 months in drydock for repairs.

She is the last of WW1 dreadnoughts and is 110 years old and is a State Memorial. It is intended that after works are completed that she is re-opened to the public. The vessel is currently at a temporary berth at Galveston.

How disinformation is spread: 

1.     Initial Claim with Credible Source:

2.    Shift to Vague Sources Upon Challenge: 

3.     Exploitation of Confirmation Bias:

4.    Questioning the Credibility of Scepticism:

Interference May 2024  - the latest SAS newsletter takes a look at pirate TV in the 80s and 90s in the British Isles.SAS March 2024 

sasradio group next meeting is at The Home Cottage Pub in Redhill, Surrey on 5th March from 8.30 pm. Next newsletter will be out by then (I hope) and attached to the website. It is a look at pirate TV stations in the UK in the 80s and 90s. 

February 2024

sasradiogroup - sasradio group next meeting is at The Home Cottage Pub in Redhill, Surrey on 5th March from 8.30 pm. Next newsletter will be out by then (I hope) and attached to the website. It is a look at pirate TV stations in the UK in the 80s and 90s. 

Radio Seagull - have announced that broadcasts on 1476 AM in the UK have ceased. Radio Seagull’s presence on this frequency was a joint venture with Carillon Wellbeing Radio in Coalville. Due to force majeur (the 1476 transmitter is being shut down)  the long lasting co-operation between both stations has come to an end. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to CWR in general and its station management, Jon and Jan Sketchley in particular for many years of working shoulder to shoulder. The other ways to listen to Radio Seagull do not change. Overnight on AM 747 and 24/7/365 via Tunein, App and

SUSY RADIO 103.4 - Neil Munday reported on the 18th that Susy Radio are delighted to announce that Sylvie Blackmore  (BBC Sussex) a familiar local BBC Sussex #Surrey radio voice is joining us as a presenter from next Sunday 12-2pm across  #Redhill #Reigate #Horley #Crawley Ed: Sylvie is one of many BBC local radio presenters who are moving to community or commercial radio Caroline Martin we reported in January is on WCR FM. 

Steve (Stephen Richard) Wright - 6/8/54 to 12/2/24. You might be a bit surprised to an obituary to Steve on this website. Steve's family moved from New Cross London to Southend on Sea. He was interested in radio quite early on and at Eastwood High School broke into the school speaker system from a stock cupboard. In 1974 he put in a demo tape to the offshore Radio Atlantis which failed to get him on air. According to The TImes obituary he first show was on Radio Atlantis but this probably was an Essex based land based pirate! His first job was in Marine Insurance and a trainee journalist on a local paper. He secured his first on-air job at Thames Valley Broadcasting (Radio 210) in Reading where he met an American lady Cyndi Robsinson who worked at the Berkshire Chronicle where he also worked as a trainee junior reporter. They married in 1985 but divorced in 1999. Steve was a radio anorak and would visit New York and it was here that he picked up on the zoo format. Given that Radio One was restricted to 50% music needletime adopting it was a shrewd idea to utilise the zoo format. Steve also used the Laser558 blasts in his shows and apparently was a listener to the station. After Steve's divorce he put on a lot of weight up to 18 stone. He used to visit his mother in Surrey and one of our members was shocked at his size and managed to talk to him. 

Philip advised on the Facebpook page of Land Based Pirate Radio of the 70s ands 80s that Steve grew up as a listener to RNI and that he was also a contributor to the Southern Independent Radio Association magazine. He got to know Steve when he called in as a listener to Radio Concord in 72. At the time he was working as a clerk at an insurance office in the City. We both shared a passion for jingles, and swapped tapes and recorded jingles in his bedroom in Rayleigh., He recalls his enthusiasm where he landed a job in the BBC record library and then his first radio presenter role 76 at Thames Valley Radio in Reading. We lost touch after I moved to Brussels in 79

ATLANTIS - I was a bit sniffy about this station on Facebook recently and decided to nip back in. I see that they now describe themselves as Britains Official Sixties and Seventies Station. 70s tracks being added this month. To be honest I approve of the format change adding the 70s something I and many others have wanted. Ron Brown on Monday was excellent. Jim and Ed like listening and put me right.  The station is available Nationwide and Online, Mobile and Smart Speakers Worldwide. and DAB in some areas. a good presentation team  Peter Quinn, Ron Brown, Mark Mathews, Steve England, Dave Owen, Bob Noakes. The station is successful in attracting advertisers. In December Leading Swiss watch manufacturer IWC has extended its hourly time check contract with Atlantis Radio until 2025. February has also seen campaigns from new clients including Fischer-Dieskau Mastercard along with sponsorship of the London Broncos Super League Rugby team. Atlantis will also feature on the LED advertising for over 150 matches on SKY SPORTS this year.  ATLANTIS Radio

Battleship USS Texas - now I am not going mad! This vessel was used to broadcast VOA to Norh Africa on 601 kHz with 5kW as the Voice of Freedom in 1942. The USS Texas is undergoing restoration and will remain at Gulf Copper Shipyard for the time being. Additional steel work, removal and replacement of the ship’s deck, and superstructure/aft fire control restoration will continue. Structural, decking, drainage, and other repairs have already begun on the ship’s foremast and aft fire control tower as part of the Save America’s Treasures grant project. The vessels main hull and undersides hve been repainted and the ship immersed in 14 feet of water to check for any leaks. The startion had to cease broadcasting as recoil from the 10 14" guns damaged the transmitter which was subsequently put into opration on land on 650 kHz.

Radio Caroline 48 Support Group -The next meeting is on Wednesday 28 February, 8pm at Mr G’s Bowling Centre in Brandon, Suffolk.

Meet Caroline presenters, including Barry James, Dave Foster, Andrew Austin, Steve Dack and Josh Holmes-Bright - and fellow Caroline listeners!

Everyone is welcome at Mr G’s Bowling Centre on Market Hill, Brandon IP27 0AA. Entry is a £5 donation including buffet, and there’s a bar and raffle. Overnight accommodation available at the venue.

Proceeds to the Ross Revenge Charity Dry Dock Appeal.

LV18 - The Harwich and Manningtree standard has reported today (6th February) thst a 33 year old man has been charged with 4 arson offences for two vehcile  fires in George Strtee, the railway station and the other LV18

LV18  the former lightship in Harwich was hit by suspected arson

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service sent seven crews to attend the vessel which was moored at Harwich Quay in Harwich just after 21:00 GMT on Friday. Police said it was being treated as arson and a group of young people were reportedly seen leaving the area shortly after the fire started.

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, said crews had faced "punishing conditions with extremely high temperatures in the engine room" of the ship” and they "worked hard to enter the engine room from the deck and prevent the fire spreading". The Crews left at 4am and continued t0 monitor temperatures throughout Saturday morning.

Tony O'Neil he Pharos Trust, which owns the ship, said it was one of the last manned lightships in the country and "an iconic landmark".

Toy O’Neil stated he was "confronted with absolute piles of smoke" when he arrived at the scene and the hull continued to be dowsed with water even after the fire was extinguished as it was "red hot"."There is extensive smoke damage. We will not be beaten and we will bounce back," he added.

The incident at the Quay was not linked to a fire at the railway station, police said

Ivan Henderson, a Labour councillor in Harwich, said: "It is a real shame.

"It is one of the attractions that we are going to have to suffer from not having around.

If you have any information, CCTV, dashcam or other footage in relation to this incident, then please contact Essex Police. The vessel had been thre home to BBC Pirate Radio Essex and various RSLs such as RNI and Mi Amigo 106.8

Stereo Underground - BBC Solent dropped the last edition without any explanation. The show continues and  is now going independent Any radio station interested in syndicating the show free of charge should email 

sasradiogroup - Next meeting is Tuesday 6th at the Home Cottage  pub in Redhill. If I can do a link with the meet I shall reveal some exciting news! 

Pirates of the Airwaves - JET poinited me to of the Airwaves is a podcast where Mark Wakely (founder of the Land Based Pirate Radio of the 70's 80' Facebook group), talks to some of the people involved in the pirate radio world in the 70's and 80's. Much recommended.

Laser 558 - great news the facebook page is back as Laser 558 &  Hot HIts Group. This is now  a private Facebook  group and has been established for over 15 years with memories and nostalgia of the original shipborne Laser 558 and Laser Hot Hits. Thsi includes people involved in the 80s station as well as fans and historians.

Laser 558 is an online station run by Stephen (Steve) Michael Bannister and, reportedly has no connection to the original station of the same name.  It is available online and also via Freeview Channel 277 via UK Radio Portal. This is effectively a recreation tribute station. The station, which recently launched, uses modern technology to remaster recordings of original Laser 558 DJs from the 80s to introduce the music today.   Ongoing legal issues have delayed us reporting this station on our website although Radio Today UK took the risk!

SASradiogroup - we have a special guest for February's meeting - Colin Pearse former MD of Susy Radio and license holder for the RSLs is dropping by.

January 2024

Caroline Martin - as a result of cuts she left BBC WM last year and is working on WCR FM a community station.  She isn't the only one as a number of BBC local radio presenters (Surrey, Sussex and Kent) are involved in a new station to launch on DAB later this year. Details are strictly embargoed so we can't say anything unil March/April.

Stereo Underground - this specialist BBC local radio show is to leave the beeb (radiotoday reports) Sabina Latto confirmed to RadioToday: “31st January will be the last edition of Stereo Underground broadcast on the BBC and available on BBC Sounds. it is now going independent Any radio station interested in syndicating the show free of charge should email 

Susy Radio 103.4 FM - came back on air last night after repairs were competed.

Susy Radio 103.4 FM -  Today 22nd January the station has suffered Antenna Damage after last nights storms. It may take a short while to rectify the situation and Susy is broadcasting on reduced power so reception may be poor. Please if able retune to your smart speaker via TuneIn App or mobile via Radio Player App and Bluetooth to your car radio if possible. Also available online at

The station wnt off air at around 9.50 this mornig  so repairs can be made.

Intertnational Radio Report -  To quote Hans January 2024 is not yet over and yet already a new international radio report, which was actually scheduled for the month of March. However, so much interesting material has come in that I have decided to release the report, with 35 pages of memories and photos already. Be surprised at what's in the Hans Knot International Radio Report 2024-1 and download it via the following link:

Radio Caroline North - returns this weekend 13th/14th January on 1368 kHz for NW England, on DAB for the Isle of Man and on 648 kHz to Se England.

Talking Pictures TV -  Noel Cronin was awarded the BEM (British Empire Medal) in the New years Honours List. Remember he doesn't just run a TV station. TPTV and Renown Pictues actively research and restore film and TV shows from the 1930s onwards..

NEWS 2023

December 2023

Final update before Christmas

Tune Into Yesterday Christmas 2023 Issue 100 landed this week at home including Radio Pictorial  1937 BBCs Christmad Plane, 1947  Florida hurricane strikes damages to radio masts and how rsdio saved lives, 10 years of the Third Programme, RNI in 1973 and 74 as the English staff have a meal plus repeats of articles from The Daily Telegraph in 2023 plus the usual SupplementGeorg  Dannenberg and the 'Usable Past' how East Germany used  National Socialist recordings, 

Obituary - in today's Times thay carried a full page obituary to John Whitney.   turned down  by the BBC he sold shows to Radio Luxembourg by his company Ross Radio Productions which was the UK advertising representative for Radio Veronica's English programming under CNBC which broadcast from the Borkum Riff from 1960 to 1961. John failed in a bid to win the General Enrtainment station for London to Capital radio but Richard Attenborough was so impressed he made him MD. He then chose his directors. In 1982 he was headhunted to become head of the IBA and resigned this position in 1989. His interest started in building renting and then selling crystal sets to fellow school pupils 

Hans Knot Internation Radio Report - More pub time and one you don't have to subscribe to it is Hans Knot Rport the Christmas Edition is  now out.  As usal a long read and various links included:

 Radio Report

OEM - OffshoreEchosMagazine - last week Edition 21 Decwember 2023 dropped through my letterbox). A very intersting read it is too! Peter Chicago Part 3) re the cobversion of the Ross Revenge) included are photos of the ship painted pink. No one except Ronan wanted it that colour. They all thought it looked dreadful. I (ed; In the 80s I purchased a set of photos from the Caroline Movement. It looks appalling).  Chicago also describes the construction of the mast. The Gakaxy after August 14th 1967, From the Irish Press, from the Offshore Turntables The Dubliners and Seven Drunken Nights, Obituaries, Caroline Homes facctory built affordable prefabricated homes (Ed: i remember this was covered by the BBC TV London news in 1980 or 1981), Government Files the prosecition of Robbie Day and 3 others in the operation and support of Laser 558 and Operation REM the raid to shut down Radio and TV Noordzee. to get this issue and other backissues contact


Radio Caroline North - the next broadcast is for this weekend! (9th and 10th December) on the udual 1368 kHz for the Isle of Mann and NW England, DAB for the Isle of Man and 648 kHz for SE England

November 2023 

Radio Caroline Southampton Support Group is on Wednesday 6 December. Alan Beech will be provide a station engineering update and Chris Cooper will be talking about his experience on board Ross Revenge over Christmas and New Year 1989.

Here is a chance to catch up with Caroline presenters plus merchandise for sale, and a bar. Everyone is welcome from 7.30pm at the Hamble Club, Beaulieu Road, Hamble-le-Rice, SO31 4JL. Entry is now a £10 donation including buffet due to rising costs, the first increase in 30 years.

Radio Caroline North -is on this weekend 18th and 19th November on 1368 kHz for NW England and 648 kHz to across SE England and into Holland!

Radio Caroline 648 Support Group Next meeting is on Wednesday 22 November at Mr G’s Bowling Centre in Brandon.

Special guest speaker is Rob Howard from the Vintage TV and Wireless Company, host of the TV show Retro Electro Workshop, which recently featured Ross Revenge. Caroline presenters Barry James, Steve Dack and Rob Proctor will be there, and presenter Stephen Foster and Roger James from the Buster James Band are running a music quiz.

The evening starts at 8pm and entry is a £5 donation which includes a buffet. There’s a bar and raffle. Free parking and overnight accommodation available at the venue, Mr G’s Bowling Centre on Market Hill, Brandon, Suffolk IP27 0AA. Everyone welcome - just turn up!

SUSY RADIO 103.4 Programme Director, Geoff Rogers received an Honours Award at the Community Radio Awards on the 19th.


Geoff got into radio when he was 12 listening to offshore and land based pirate radio. Since then has worked for hospital radio, worked in radio overseas, and was one of a small team who set up Restricted Service Licences (RSLs) to promote local charities, causes and events. The team went on to set up Susy Radio. Geoff is responsible for everything that is broadcast on Susy - the music, programmes, presenters, the news, advertising and the station profile.


Geoff has also been a presenter at Radio Jackie in South West London for many years and was one of the team in the 80s. He was also a DJ on Southern Radio which became South East Sound. When Jackie heard of this they told him to stop. He didn’t he used san Australian accent and changed his name!


In 1985 Geoff addressed a committee room full of MPs at Westminster on the benefits of small 'Community of Interest' radio stations. He also produced a document for a license application for rockers South East Sound.  As Geoff says in his Radio Jackie bio "well we eventually got Community Radio - took over 20 years!"


To be nominated for the award required some supporting info which was provided /  verifiied by myself.

15h November - the latest SAS Newsletter No 112 covering AM and shortwave is available on-line under publications.

The Fabulous Barker Boys - we did this link years ago go back to the 1930s and an early pirate station;

October 2023

Boom Radio - The number of under 50s listenig to the station has doubled in the last year to 136,000 20% of the listernership. I can recall that Mellow in LOndon had some 20% of its listeners under the age of 25 so nothing new here.  

Dennis Jason - the late Dennis Jason archive of photos from the Ross Revenge is now accessible Dennis Jason - Flickr

Radio Caroline - it is reported that Ofcom is taking arund three months to process requests so Caroline's application for a power incease on 648 kHz AM should be announced soon.

sasradiogroup - the section on our website re Susy Radio has been updated with a Susy 531 page in addtion to the memories by Graham Ford

Radio Hauraki - MV Tiri - New Zealand Herald 23rd October 2023 - On the Eastern shores of Matakohe-Limestone Island lie the derelict remains of a once-famous floating pirate radio studio.

Scattered skeletal piles of rusting metal is all that remains of the shipwrecked Tiri (the first vessel)  of Radio Hauraki.

On January 28, 1968, disaster struck as the Tiri ran aground at Whangaparapara Harbour,  Great Barrier Island in foul weather while taking part in a search and rescue for a lost fisherman. The Tiri due to engine troubles ended up on the rocks. She was patched up and five feet of water was removed and she was towed back to Auckland and the broadcasting equipment was salvaged. The vessel was beyond repair, Tiri was taken to Matakohe-Limestone Island and beached at Shipwreck Bay alongside another wreck of a wooden-hulled coastal ship. Locals played on her as children and both were set alight by vandals in 1979.

As for the Tiri’s demise, her scant skeletal remains are now flanked with a sign briefly narrating her story. Taken from artice first published on 

BBC Local News Expansion - the NMA (News Media Association which includes The Guardian, Times and the Telegraph amongst others) has re-iterated its complaint that the Beeb is aggresively expanding its digital local news sites where traffic has increased by 20% over the last 3 months. The complaint is that this area is already well covered by local commercial providers. The BBC's action is stifling competition and depriving them of revenues. The accusation is that this aggresive expansion by the BBC has come at the expense of the local radio output. Owen Meredith Chief Executive of the MNA asked Ofcom to put the brakes on this expansion as it would leave only the BBC as the source of local news. The BBC denies the claims.  (Eds Note: Tim Davie has invested £500 million to transform the Beeb to become a Digital First organisation and this is at the expense of traditional broadcasting and the Beebs own values.)

Ray Clarke - having been dropped by the BBC Ray is going back to his offshore roots. From 22nd October he will present a regular show on Caroline on Sunday evenings. He also appears on Caroline North and no doubt this will continue.

MV Ross Revenge  - Radio Caroline’s Ross Revenge is featured in an episode of Four in a Bed on Friday 20 October at 6pm on Channel 4.

In the show, four sets of B&B owners take turns to stay with each other over four days, as they compete to be crowned best hosts and establishments. The entertainment provided for the group during their stay at The Limes Guest House in Maldon, Essex was a visit to Ross Revenge and a tour of the radio ship.

Tune Into Yesterday - Ussue 99 Autumn 2023 hit the mat this week. "40 years of ORCA" With from the radio archives 1945-52. This includes an article on Munich radio station where the wooden towers fell and how the aerial was hung between two 25m stumps in 1930. London Calling, Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service  (monitoring foreign broadcsts by the US FCC and a letter by John Arlott "October Month of Colour" plus the Supplement 1952-56 Travelogues on the BBC General Overseas Service plus "Worlding the archives by Carolyn Birdsall (University of Amsterdam).


SAS Email Address - please note our email of is back up and running. If you know my private email you can contact me there if you want to as this is monitored daily.

Radio Monique International - is one of the Dutch broadcasters with a mere 100 watt license this time on 918 kHz from Velsen in the Netherlands. I should have mentioned this ages ago. They had to do an enforced site move (which meant the signal propogated better). Unfortunately the Dutch authorities stated that this breached their license conditions and they had to shut dowm AM. All this has now been sorted out and 918 kHz returned yesterday. Link to the webiste is below. ED: mY personal opinion is that the station sounds good and fast paced.  Even re-using some of the old jingles. Things that are missing a) adverts like the old days and b) a  punchy 50kW transmitter. 

Radio Monique 918 

Intertnational Radio Report -  The September Issue is out and Hans advises us via Facebook  that sad news is that four important people have died in the recent period, all of whom will be remembered. Besides the many reactions various topics such as Veronica and politics in 1964, Caroline in Zaandam harbour and the flight to sea. Alan West in 1985 with memories of Gerard van Dam. There is a review of Roger Day's book and Wolf D Rock talks about a book on Amateur Radio. The Dutch government tried to kill the ship de Hoop back in the 1970s and we go back to May 1973, more than half a century ago when the double LP about RNI compiled by Jacob Kokje and Hans Knot was released. 44 pages of reading pleasure downloadable via the following link:

September 2023

Gold 1548 Khz - today the 29th it is carrying a looped annoucment saying try DAB etc . Yesterday the relay of Gold was as normal with no announcemets on 1548 kHz.  Quite a contrast. Bauer had run Gold at minimal costs with only a breakfast DJ and the rest being automatic. The audience decline is in sharp contrast to Boom Radio which is inreasing listenership.  Field  strength has dropped from 39db to some 30 odd recently to encourage listeners to uses other methods to listen into the station.

SUSY Radio 103.4 - Susy Radio has been shortlisted in the 2023 Community Radio Awards they are a nomination in the Special Category, “HM Queen Elizabeth II – Her life, Her Reign, and her Passing”, with special local news bulletin which was produced and presented by Tracey Franklin.

The Local News Special was transmitted on Monday 12th September 2022, four days after the Queen passed away.

AM Closures - 1548 kHz is carrying an annoucement that transmissions on medium wave will cease from 30 September. Also in Brighton the same is on for Smooth Radio 1323 kHz. 

Bizm FM made the Times yesterday for all the wrong reasons due to a court case re the death of the stations owner. He was abducted, tortured and killed last October. 

OffshoreEchosMagazine - OEM No 213 - landed on my doormat today. Peter Chicago REcalls part 2, The Galaxy after August 1967, Ove Sjostrom Remembers Part 3, REM The Irish Dimension Part 2,  From the Offshore Turntables, Government Files, Logbook of the REM Part 4.

Radio Caroline North - the next broadcast is from 16 and 17th  September and includes PaulMcKenna.

BBC Radio Norfolk - Sophie Little made a scathing attack on the Beeb on her last radio show (she has lost her show Treasure Quest due to the cuts) she described them as ageist, ableist and placing economic barriers for some people. If you try listening on BBC Sounds to her last broadcast her comments have been controversially edited out.

August 2023

No 1 The Thames - the fort is back on the market. Accessed by a tidal causeway or boat.

Capital Gold  - on August 14th RadioToady announced that the stations 1548 frequency would be closed down justt before Captials 50th birthday celebration.

Sweden - Mike Terry of the MW DX Club informed on Facebook that Hörby, in Swden will come back to life on the air again. The Hörby Radio Association has received authorization from the PTS to broadcast on medium wave on the old Hörby frequency of 1179 kHz. The Hörby Radioförening transmitter will operate between 27/8 and 9/9 2023, as part of Veteran Sound Day 2023, on medium wave 1179 kHz. Call sign is SBH Hörby Radioförening. Power of this special station is not known at the time of writing but daytime reception area has been described as limited.  It utilises the same call sign as the original station from 1928 to 1937. At night time there is a 200kW station in the east of Romania which will effect transmissions.

Radio Sweden on 1178 kHz 254.7 metres was bang next to Radio Caroline on 1187 kHz. Many caroline listeners tuned into The Saturday Show from 1968 and into the Seventies even though the splatter from the MV Mi Amigos 50kW made life difficult. Sweden Calling DXers was also popular with rsdio news particularly International Waters. IN the 60s and 70s the station used a 150kW transmitter but by the mid/late 70s was well past its best. IN the early 80s a new Telefunken 600kW transmitter was built whixch greatly improved reception

Radio Caroline Radio Caroline have announced they are now on Freeview.  In fact Johnny Lewis let this slip in an anouncement late on his Sunday show on Caroline North. Their friends at Radio Channel 277 (UK Radio Portal) have provided the tutorial below to help listeners tune in across England (only). This information should enable you to hear us - or learn how to equip so that you can.

Radio Caroline is available on Freeview compatible Smart TVs and on the Amazon Firestick, via the UK Radio Portal on Freeview Channel 277. The service works on compatible internet connected smart TVs, (such as Freeview Play).. Freeview Play is built in to the majority of new TVs and available to viewers for free, with no monthly fees or joining costs.

To do so you need the following:

• A compatible Freeview TV or set-top-box

• A broadband Internet connection

• A TV or set-top-box that is connected to the Internet

• A TV or set-top-box that is connected to a UK Freeview/DTT (Digital Terrestrial TV) aerial

To access UK Radio Portal on Amazon Fire TV Sticks, please ensure that you have the following:

• An Amazon Fire TV Stick

• A broadband Internet connection with WiF

Note: commentd on facebook say this may only apply to the main Freeview transmitters and not the relays and that not all Smart TV's will receive this.

July 3030

Radio Caroline - The next Radio Caroline North broadcast is happening between 11th-13th August during the first three days of the annual Fundraiser. Coverin music from the 60s to the early 90s over this mammoth live broadcast. Available on 648 AM across South East England, The Netherlands, Belgium and beyond, on 1368 AM in the North/North-West courtesy of Manx Radio, worldwide online via their Caroline North Player, on smart speakers and the Radio Caroline app.

RAJAR - Radio 2's audience dropped by more than 1 million to 13.3 million due to Ken Bruce moving to Greatest Hits Radio whose audience is up by 47.6% to 5.9 million. Ken's morning show had 3 million listeners and increase of 93%. Overall the BBC lost 3.9% drop in listeners. Boom Radio doubled it's audiece to 641,000 largely down to listeners deserting Radio 2. 

Radio Caroline 648 - are now powering the transmitter from the solar panels which were installed. On the web page top right there is a meter showing how much power the panels are producing. Also a new jingle has been sung by Holly Hallam "powered by the sun sweet caroline".

Spitbank Fort - We  see that Spitbank Fort in the Solent remains up for sale reduced offers welcome in the region of £2.5 million. For this money you get 9 luxurious bedroom suites (up to 18 overnight guests) plus staff accomodation. Capacity for up to additional 42 day or evening guests, 4 function rooms, Rooftop hot pool, sauna and fire pit, cinema room, Wine cellar, games room, Champagne bar. The fort is on 3 levels with 33,000 sq ft and has been fully refurbished. Has marine generators and its own fresh water well and 15 feet granite walls. If only oit had a radiolicense as well. 1242 kHz was originally used by Isle of Wight radio with 500 watts.

Radio London RSL - Broadcast to promote a radio conference event - RADIO DAYS 2023; and also in memory of the pirate radio stations which were operated off the Essex and Suffolk coasts in the 1960s. This is running up until 14th August from 'The bus that rocks' from the seafront Felixstowe Suffolk on the unusual frequency of 1206 kHz. Presumably to we ensure it ends in a 6 like 266 metres.

SUSY Radio 103.4 - Announced today 25th July the station is celebrating a recent grant award of £9.900 from the National Lottery Community Fund! This will provide core funding to support our work as the community radio station for the East Surrey and North Sussex area. Ed this is good news but the station unlike many others realise that they can't beome too dependent on such grants.  

Retro Electro Workshop - Features studio equipment from the Ross Revenge next Tuesday 25th July at 9pm. THis is a 10 part series featuring Rob Howard who runs the Vintage TV and Wireless Company in Norwich.

Sister Boniface Mysteries - we were pointed to this BBC series on Drama(owned by BBC Studios (ex Worldwide).  Showing series 2d episode is called Dead air set at a groovy pirate radio station set in the late 60s. 

Retro Electro Workshop - Johnny Lewis on his Sunday show on Caroline North put us onto this one a new show on Yesterday TV which airs Tuesday 18th at 9pm  Season 1 Episode 1/6

Shamil buys an '80s Atari which is a more complex fix than it first appears. Rob needs to unravel a previous owner's modifications before he can get it working again

(New Series) (Audio Described)

Possibly this series may include a visit to the Ross Revenge at some time.

SUSY Radio 103.4  - This Saturday, 15 July 2023, is celebrating its 11th Birthday as the #community Radio Station for North Sussex and East Surrey.

Channel 4 - I accused the station on facebook of deliberately sabotaging its schedules to reduce the risk of privatisation. The Telegraph carried an article on C4s fortunes. Share of terrestrial viewing is at it's lowest compared to rival channels whilst all4 was up by 20%. The private production comapnies who C4 lobbied are now livid as they have cut production. Meanwhile PopMasterTV got peak audiences for More4. Why was it shoved on there? Or LegoMaster where they showed the Australian and US versions in the same week. Fire the scheduler and maybe top management.

June 2023

Does Russia plan to seize Radio 4 ?- there are 500kW Storm tranmsitters in Kaliningrad and there is a worry that they will seize the frequency when Radio 4 is shut down. ED expact the Russians to relay Radio 4 off the internet and insert their own bits of propoganda. They could do the same on 234 kHz as well.

Slow Radio: Transmitter - Fuzz, clanking, crackles electronic musician Mathew Herbert and a team of recordists gather up late night sound from some of the BBC's 352 transmitters across the UK. Described by Simon O'Hagen as a beautiful experience .  Sunday 25th JUne at 11:30pm on Radio 3. Ed: please don't make the messenger walk the plank. Should be of interest to any radio fans and anorak's.

Ross Revenge Drydock Appeal - Peter Moore advised on the 19th that £131k has so far been raised against £125 which was their target. The crowdfunder campaign remains open as it is one source of income for the dry dock appeal. On the 16th June 2023 they had raised £45,265 with 737 supporters in 69 days. Every pound matters, they are continuing to collect donations from supporters..

Radio Caroline North Weekend - due on 24th and 25th June on 1368 and 648kHz to NW and SE England.

Hans KnotInternational Radio Report Summer 2023 edition now available › intrep

The Brighton Argus - reported on the 13th of the death of George Ginn always known as George to everyone. He ran The Record Album from 1962 until his retirement in 2018 and was revered as one of the regions best record dealers. The store was established in 1948. George was renowned for his expertise in film soundtracks and theatrical cast recordings.

George, 93, passed away at his care home in Patcham on Sunday evening, and the current owners have praised him as a “steadfast champion” of vinyl.

As reported in the Argus Keith Blackmore, co-director of the Terminus Road store, said: “The great vinyl revival of the last 20 years may have caught many of us by surprise but not George Ginn.

When I was his customer, his advice on what to buy (and, just as importantly, what not to buy) was invariably right and like many people over the years I heard new things in new ways whenever I visited his shop. I’d often just drop in for a chat then find myself still there two hours later, listening and learning.

“George loved music records and his shop.”

George is survived by his wife, Yvonne, and their daughters.

BBC Local Radio - John Bradford retired CEO of Radio Tees and Mercia Sound and ex director of the Radio Academy Devizes, Wilts got a letter in The Times Yesterday (13 June) suggesting that funding for BBC local newsrooms should be diverted to community radio sinec coverage has been decimated ) Ed: decimates means one in 10 and the situation is far, worse than that. I believe that BBC Local Radio should be legally seperated and form its own BBC Local Radio Trust.

The next meeting of the Radio Caroline Essex & South Suffolk Listeners Group takes place on Thursday 29 June at Clacton Rugby Club. Speakers, bar, food and raffle. Entry is a min £5 donation. Join us at 7.30 pm at Clacton Rugby Club, Valley Road, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex CO15 6NA - there's a large car park behind the club. Everyone is welcome - just turn up! 

Offshore Echoes Magazine - this weekend Issue 212  fell through the door...Peter Chicago Recalls (with rare shots of Big Ls RCA 50kW) from a talk given in Southampton, Ove Sjostrom Remembers part 2 with an insight into Radio Nords planned FM service, REM the Irish Dimension Part 1, obituaries, Remembering Ronan, From the turntables Judge Dread, Government files and Logbook of the REM part 3.   Ed: He Government Files make interesting reading and shows across recent issues that the Laser organisation had been well infiltrated/investigated by the government and that this just as stopiing the tenders finished the station.

Radio Caroline - Alan Beech stated at the latest meeting of the Southampton Support Group that the article in RadioToday UK that the power increase request to Ofcom for 648 kHz was declined is incorrect . As the regulator has not made a decision yet.

Ken Bruce - In the past he offered the rights to Popmaster to the BBC and they declined! So he bought them himself which is why the quiz moved with him to Boom Radio. Now Channel 4 are running promos for Popmaster TV comming soon to More 4. Ed: why not the main Channel 4?

Radio Days 2023 - Roger "Twiggy"  Day and have organised on 13th August 2023 - see flyer above plus a pirates banquet.

Absolute Radio - Bauer Group have been fined a meesley £25,000 for turning off the AM transmitters. Ed: this appears to be a clear breach of thier license conditions which seem to say they should have remained on until 2027. They could have been fined up to ten times that amount. The fines go to HM Paymaster General so the taxpayer is heavily losing out.

May 2023

Last entry for May! The Daily Telegraph Features section has an article yesterday "National BBC radio is in recession  - but specialist broadcasters are booming" . Essentially on Fix Radio a DAB and internet broadcaster. The station is four years old and one year on national DAB at "considerable cost" says the stations boss Louis Timpany.  DAB is estimated to reach 392,000 liateners per month and annual income is approaching £2m.  It also mentions the highly successful Boom Radio with 630,000 listeners per week and increasing and the fact that commercial radio listeners is 6 million higher than the BBC's at 38.7 million  (Ed the Beeb cares little about older listeners and viewers. Listerns are finding laternatives like Boom, Angel Radio, Caroline and Atlantis. ON TV there is the excellent Talking Pictures which gets up to 6 million viewers, Sky Arts and various UKTV channels).

BBC Radio 4 Long Wave - The Beeb is intending to close this down in 2024 and are puting out announcments in preparation.  It is intended that befohand FM and LW schedules will be unified. Presumably this will apply to all 3 long wave transmitters the one at Droitwich and the 2 50kW in Scotland. The latter two date from the 70s. Oddly enough the 300kW RTE tranmsitter on 252 kHz could well become available. Would it be worth it for teh Beeb to buy it and re-tune to 198 kHz?

The June Meeting of the Souhampton Support GRoup will be held on Wednesday 7th June at the Hamble Club, Beaulieu Road, Hamble-le-Rice Southampton SO31 4JL with Ray Clark.

May  5th was the funeral of Susy Radio Director, Ian Rennison who was known for his work at Susy Radio and Uckfield FM now Ashdown Radio.


Ian worked mainly behind the scenes in IT and occasionally on-air. He joined the original station for Redhill Jubilee Fm which became TRsust Fm and later Susy Radio. became involved in Redhill’s first local radio stations, Jubilee FM in 1994, and the following year, at Trust FM.  


Ian went on to volunteer at Uckfield FM, and later returned to Susy Radio and joined the Board of Directors.  Many of Ian’s friends at SUSY and Ashtead FM will miss  him.

April 2023

Tune into Yesterday Easter 2023 - Issue 98 From the Radio Archivesd 1936 - 1965. The Radio Times cost 2d in 1936, and the same in March 1950. It was 4d at Easter 1960 and 6d (2 1/2pence in decimal money) at Easter 1965 plus Supplement The value of a German Sound collection.

Hans Knot International Radio Report - the Spring 2023 edition is now available it's time again for another episode of the Hans Knot International Radio Report. The spring 2023 edition includes responses to e mails from various parts of the world.We reflect on the passing of Germany's first deejay Klaus Quirini. Reviews include a new book on Radio Caroline and Ronan O'Rahilly, a new double CD on Laser and Johnny Lewis reflects on the sinking of the Mi Amigo more than 43 years ago. Other features include a Veronica talent show in 1964, the Caroline Revival Hour in 1969 and Gavin McCoy recounts his wonderful radio career. There is also a long article I wrote myself about a failed radio project in the early 1960s. More than enough to enjoy. The report is available to download: 

MV Ross REvenge

A Charity that maintains the former pirate radio ship Ross Revenge wants to raise funds to move the ship in to dry dock for essential repairs to ensure its survival. The registered charity MV Ross Revenge – Home of Radio Caroline – aims to raise £125k through the Crowdfunder to add to the monies already raised £57k. If they succeed in this they will reach half the amount required to approach the National Lottery for further funding to carry out initial surveys of the ship in dry dock – paint the underside of the hull and to carry out necessary repairs to seals and seavalves.


Peter Moore says “the Ross Revenge is a remarkable ship with a fascinating fishing and broadcasting history,”and “It is also one of only a couple of surviving British super trawlers, the pride of a fleet of distant- water vessels that once plied their trade in the cold and turbulent seas of the North Atlantic from ports such as Grimsby and Hull, but were wiped out when the fishing industry went into steep decline in the late 1970s. Ross Revenge still holds the record for the biggest catch.

“It is the only remaining pirate radio ship still afloat, having avoided the cutter’s torch when sent to the breaker’s yard to become the floating broadcast base for the Radio Caroline in 1983.”

The ship has endured many dramas during its time on the North Sea, including losing the 275' mast in 1987 and the armed raid by Dutch Authorities in 1989.

Ross Revenge is also one of only a small number of ships to survive grounding on the Goodwin Sands, when its anchor chain broke during a storm in 1991. Ross Revenge is currently moored on the Blackwater Estuary in Essex and still used by Radio Caroline for regular offshore broadcasts and visitor trips. It is maintained by volunteers and is on the National Historic Ships Register.

Peter |Moore again “We are launching this Crowdfunder Campaign to ensure that the ship can continue to operate and provide a platform for independent radio broadcasting and be of interest to future generations, on which our future will depend.

“Our future plans to turn the forepeak area of the ship into an interactive fishing heritage centre will provide a hub for learning about maritime engineering and the ship’s deep sea fishing history.”

The Crowdfunder campaign will run for six weeks from 10 am on Good Friday 7 April, and donors will be able to choose from a range of rewards.

To support the Crowdfunder Campaign and secure the future of MV Ross Revenge, please visit the Crowdfunder campaign page for MV Ross Revenge (Home of Radio Caroline) at

25 March 2023 

OEM Osffshore Echoes Magazine - Issue 211 dropped into my mail this week. As usual a jam packed edition! Interview Alan Turner who was on board the MV Caroline in  1964 an extensive interview, Ove Sjostrom Interview  Part 1 he was an engineer on Radio Nord and this gives a fascinating insight into the operation of the MV Bon Jour from 1960-62. Janet Bardini interview. She was one of the Laser558 office staff and visited the ship in 1985.  Chris Edwards finds gems even after all this time.  Station of the Stars Radio Luxembourg - offshore DJs who joined in the late 60s and early 70s, ObituariesThe Governmant Files which show how Laser558 was penetrated by the authorities, Logbook ofthe REM part 2, more in-depth of the start of Radio & TV Noordzee. 

Eds note: I have always been a paid subscriber to OEM (I don't receive freebies) so my thoughts about the mag are my own. OEM maintains very high standards and each issues pulls out very interestingstuff.  Subscribe (£45 per annum) or view the website 

Ken Bruce signed off uncontroversially from Radio 2 or did he? One of his final tracks was Pilt of the Aurwaves by Charlie Dore. If I am correct this was the final track played by Caroline from International Waters so was there a subliminal message there.

Sunday telegraph - last Sunday  carried an excellent aerticle on the demise of Am in the UK. POinting out that it costed Absolute Radio around £1m to run the AM transmitters and that the fine from Ofcom would be less then this. Apparently around 6.5million people tune into AM every week. One well known sports journalist commented a while ago that he often had to tune into medium wave to pick up the results as when he drove around DAB would cut in and out all the time.

Right access problems means that I am very behind on this so this is a brief catch up.

Hans Knot continues his excellent International Radio Report with teh Winter 2022/23 edition now available 

Tune Into Yesterday - Christmas 2022

Autumn 2022 Issue 96 - Lone Ranger Trivia

Offshore Echoes - issue 122  December 2022 - interview Alan Turner, Ireland's only offshore pirate (we're not talking about Radio Scotland & Ireland here), Radio Caroline 1983 and REM TV Nordzee.

BBC Local Radio - has effectively been closed reduced to  2 local programmes per day and the rest regionalised,

Sealand - appreared on the latest series of Abandoned Engineering on the yesterday channel.  It is episode 1

Radio Caroline - has a five year extension to 648 kHz and are looking to increase power further from 4kW to 10kW

July 2022

Alain de Cadenet  died on July 1st with extensive obituries in The Telegraph and The Times. he dad a wide ranging career as a racing driver and operated a Supermarine  Spitfire. In fact I think  I met him at Biggin Hill once many moons ago. Of note to offshore radio fans is that he was the official photographer for Radio Caroline and also worked for Radio London.

June 2022

OffshoreEchoes magazine208 - Sylvan Tack in Spain, RadioVeronica Spots, Ben Bode and radio Paradijs and ProjectAtlanta

 April 2022

Tune into Yesterday Spring 2022 Issue 95 - a bit late writing this up Fromthe archives exracts from Popular Wireless and Wireless Magazine in the Supplement Radio in Europe July 1927 to September 1941

Talking Pictures TV - keep an eye on the Footage Detectives. We've had radio 270 recently in addition to Radio Essex a while back.

March 2022

After a two year gap meetings resume on 5th April 2022 at The Home Cottage

Offshore Echoes Magazine-  the latest edition has arrived with Alan west Interview, Sylvain Tack in Spain Part 1,  Part 20 of the Radio Syd story(on-air in The Gambia), Life On Board a Radio Ship in the early 60s (Veronica), Interview Paul Mckenna, Government Files, Radio Caroline and Planet Productions, Tineke awarded, Philip Birxch interview and obituaries.

Talking Pictures TV - Look at Life Fish and Ships. Sunday 13th showed two vessels of interest to offshore radio fans.  The Lord Nelson at the start of the film (Vessel proposed to Radio Caroline as a Mi Amigo replacement, and what looks like the Ross Revenge and possibly Ernie Stephenson at the end eating steak and chips. 

January 2022

Roger Wallis - it is with great sadness that we report the death of BIG Bad Roger.  Roger was well known for the Saturday Show on Radio Sweden. A station whose late night listenership increased with the closure of Caroline in 1968 

SB reports on Boom Radio/This is particularly beoming the home of choice for SOTS AVIDS. Roger Day's show on Saturday 8am - 10pm is far superior to Tony Blackburn 's pastiche radio show on Radio 2.

Brian Anthony ex Radio Jackie, Jackie FM (NSR?) and JFM had died in a road accident.


Radio Caroline - as reported elsewhere power has increased from 1kW to 4kW. The transmitter previously belonbged to Arrow Classic Rock and is the former 828 kHz rig 25kW. Which they used to run at 20 daytime and 5 nightime.

Offshore Echos Magazine - Issue 206 dropped through the letterbox with interviews Paul McKenna and Robbie Dale, RNI the 1971 return, The Radio Syd Story part 18. More on the aborted Radio 390 North. Wijsmuller tugs. March 1968 the end. Government Files.

tune Into Yesterday - Christmas 2021 Issue 94 -"ask Dave Goldin", search for Boris Karloff lost 1947 episode Wet Saturday, plus reprints 1930s popular wireless and Supplement NBC Radio Archives in 1957 and tape manufacturing in post war Germany.


sasradiogroup - the next newsletter wilolo be published via this website! It's been a while so I hope that it is worth the wait!

Ross Revenge - appears on tomorrow's Antiques Road Trip (12 Novemeber on BBC2 at 7pm

AM/FM - the Government has announced the intention to keep analogue broadcasting continuing to 2030.

SUSY Radio - Geoff Rogers has been shortlisted  for Volunteer of the year in the Community Radio Awards.

Hans Knot International Radio Report - the latest issue is available via Hans Knot's website. Always a great read and lot of fascinating links too!  Hans Knot

Tune Into Yesterday Issue 93 Autumn 2021  -  Detective noir fiction in Old Time Radio pluas a majoe expose Censoring of Archive Programmes  on Radio 4 Extra by Steve Poppitt.Ca,p comedians like Frankie Howard and Kenneth Williams are particluarly affected and for example any reference to JImmy Saville is erased  plus Supplement The Drama of radio: the past and the fuuerrry for the unintended break in transmission. time to catch up with events:

Red Sands - has hit the news saying that unless immediate action is taken within 10 years this WW2 fortress will be lost.

Radio Caroline - Ofcom has granted a power increase from 1kW to 10kW after a technical presentation re man made noise in the current AM reception area. This also has the effect of extending the main reception area further beyond the Suffolk/Essex area. It is understood that the station has already obtained a 25kW transmitter but we are unsure whethere this is installed at Ordordness.

SUSY Radio - Geoff Rogers has been nominated for Volunteer of the year in the Community Radio Awards.

Radio Redhill- the hospital radio station based at East Surrey Hospital has received a license for a low powered FM license with reception up to 1km away. This is in addition to 1413 kHz AM. Expected frequency 87.7 or 87.9 MHz

BBVC iPlayer - has been updated but older viewers with older devices will find this is not backwards compatible for older ios versions.

DENNIS JASON Obituary - On 9 July 2021 Dennis Jason passed away far too early having suffered from a long term cancer.


Dennis is well known locally having run a shop in Lesbourne Road, Reigate selling disco equipment and some free radio memorabilia (tapes, records etc). As well as running a disco. For a while he ran a dead letter drop for our local AM rock station Southern radio. Dennis participating with the station Southern radio / South East Sounds


In 1986, like a number of our CM East Surrey group saw him move offshore times when he was heard on Radio Caroline from the MV Ross Revenge that May and again later in the year. It is important to remember was not only a deejay but a technician. He was also an excellent amateur photographer and filmmaker. If you see the shot of the Ross Revenge from high up the original mast it is Dennis’s foot you can see!


In 1987 he joined the engineering team on board the MV Communicator Laser Hot Hits 576.


Later, Dennis came back ashore worked at ILR station Mellow 1557 where is worked with Ray Anderson, and the RNI revival broadcasts from LV 18 in 1999 and 2000.


Dennis subsequently moved back to Surrey and participated in some of the Susy RSL broadcasts and its prior incarnations in the nineties and noughties.


Dennis was quite modest but very reliable and hardworking. I got to know him at our 80s meets and the RSLs.


In later years he set-up his own double glazing business Nova Windows and this used the same logo as Dublin based 80s pirate Radio Nova. The last time I saw him was in a Waitrose car park with his Nova van!


A pleasant, friendly contemporary who will be extraordinarily missed, especially by many radio friends. RIP Dennis.

Meetings resumed at The Home Cottage 2nd August 2022

Spitbank Fort remains on sale at a reduced price in the gion of  £2.5million