2016 News Archive
December 2016
SUSY Radio - 23rd December we are pleased to announce that Ofcom have extended SUSY Radios license by a further five years to 2022.
AM DX - make the most of the long winter nights and emptier AM waveband by getting out that receiver and going for transatlantic DX. the season is upon us.
When Kenny Met the Fab Four - BBC Radio 2 on Wednesday 21st December from 10pm - 11pm. Kenny Everitt toured with the Beatles in their 1966 tour reporting back to pirate station Radio London. Featuring rare archive material and interviews. Well worth a listen into.
Offshore Echos Magazine - Issue 186 has landed today 20th December. Offshore Radio projects, Interview with Bob Noakes, The VVVR Story Part 1 "Vereniging Voor Vrije Radio" at the weekend. This issue gives good reasons why you subscribe. Government Files and Newscaster July 1977 Issue. Well worth a read if only I have time for it in the run up to Christmas! For contact details.Other Groups http://offshoreechos.com
International Radio Report - the Christmas 2016 report is available from our dear friend Hans Knot now. Lots of news and memories from the Offshore Radio world. Take a dip into Hans Knot
Tune Into Yesterday - Issue 79 and two supplements dropped on the doormat on the 8th. With News from the Archives, Lost Episodes of The SHadow, plus Newsmen on the American Networks 1936 to 1963, and Radio In the Cold War. the latter includes an advert from Bethlehem Steel (they are shipbuilders) on the conversion of the Courier into a floating VOA radio station.
Sasradiogroup - a good December meet. The latest SAS Newsletter - The BBC and Offshore Radio Bandscape 1964 to 1967. Lots to talk about including Quasar and Caroline, Laser Hot Hits now moved onto 1476 from 1494 kHz, Algeria 891 and much more! We also got the lights on the Christmas Tree to be on steady as opposed to constantly flickering on and off. Reminded us of Caroline from the Mi Amigo on a very stormy night - flashover due to salt building up on the insulators.
Quasar - Jeremy has sent us Ofcom's document Community Radio Licence Applicants - London and other areas within the M25. Stations include London FM pirate operators Flames Radio, Flex FM, House and Starpoint. Of additional interest to us is that Quasar has also applies. we wish them all the best.
Radio Caroline - In The Times yesterday 1st December has a report on Radio Caroline and their application for an AM license to broadcast to Suffolk.
November 2016
Laser Hot Hits - the short-wave and internet radio station has been announcing 1494 kHz from some time. Graham SAS reports that this has been logged with strong signals on a Sunday night 21st and 28th November with SINPO's in the 3's and 4's. We understand that this is coming from Ireland. It is reported the station is running 100 watts. If that is true they are doing extremely well. we wondered if you should add a zero to go to 1kW.
891 kHz - tuning in on Sunday night 13th November a very strong test 1 kHz test tone could be heard over-riding Radio 538. At 4 or 4.5 on the meter. It was still there when I got up (in the dark) at 6.30 am and dropped to 2.5 at 8am. It is reported that this is Algeria. If it is they are doing blooming well. Tuning around the bands a much weaker signal was noted on 594 kHz with a similar test tone on Monday night which may have been in parallel to the big signal that night on 981.
Radio 538 - anyone tuning into 891 kHz from The Netherlands is hearing a loop informing them to tune in via FM (where receivable, the internet or even DAB+). Another well known AM channel gone. Also noting that the low power AFN frequencies from Germany 1107 and 1143 appear to have fallen silent. 1107 is hard to get hear but I was able to tune into 1143 earlier on in the year.
sasradiogroup - Another decent meeting and good to see you all and catch up with the latest news. I hope to have the next newsletter complete for December having been unable to finish it for November. Fortunately, this is looking back at the 1960s so it won't matter that it is an 'oldsletter'.
October 2016
Dave Cash - like elsewhere we are sad to report the sudden death of Dave Cash aged 74. Dave Cash made his name at Big L Radio London and moved to Radio Luxembourg and for a while BBC Radio One. I remember in 1968 or 69 The Dave Cash Radio Programme produced by HTV (Harlech TV) the ITV franchise for Wales and parts of the West Country and networked across ITV in the kids slot. Dave worked for Capital for many, many years and also was Programme Director of Radio West in Bristol. Like many of his era he spent his later years working for BBC Local radio in this case across the South-East. Whilst the flair was there the voice had become somewhat different.
International Radio Report - the October report available from Hans Knot now. Another extensive and interesting read from reports around the world with Offshore Radio news, nostaglia, contacts and links. Hans Knot
sasradiogroup - The October meet was very successful, at times three discussions going on at the same time. Lots of news including from Martin the French station Bretagne 5 leaving the air on medium-wave 1593 kHz. Another channel falls silent.
September 2016
Tune Into Yesterday - Issue 78 Autumn 2016 hit the doormat at the weekend with America Band Remotes, Radio Preservation Task Force, plus Supplement 1 with various current newspaper articles, archive news and archives from the 1940s, Supplement 2 With Broadcast Brevities from 1926 - 1937.
Gerard van Dam (69) - Hans Knot reports today 20th September that Gerard passed away from a heart attack in Hungary where he moved to around ten years ago. Gerard was a stalwart Offshore Radio fan and activist. He worked for RNI as a courier in 1971, then bought the MV Mi Amigo in 1972 saving her from the scrap yard and a key player in returning Radio Caroline to the air. He says he was conned out of his ownership of the vessel and got involved with the beginning of Radio Atlantis from the Jeanine in 1973 into 1974, After being involved in land-based pirate radio Gerard bought his own ship the Aegir and put Radio Delmare on-air in 1978 before weeks later the ship broke anchor. Delmare transmitted from the Aegir II in 1979 and had two other serious attempts with other ships. The most infamous was using the Epivan (ex Schevingen 54). Gerard foolishly helped Radio Caroline at the end of 1979 and it may be no co-incidence that his ship the Epivan was lost to the Dutch authorities shortly later.
Offshore Echos Magazine - Issue 185 at the weekend. This issue gives good reasons why you subscribe. Chris Edwards and his contributors pull out fascinating unknown facts "The Grand Duchy via France" where Radio Luxembourg in 1968 was looking to launch a new AM transmitter from France with up to 40kW on 273,5 metres, or David G. Dudley's article on the Lady Dixon. The home of GBOK in 1962. Interestingly it was John Burch who re-found the ship in the 80s and bought it to us radio anorak's attention.Plus Barry Everitt interview Part 2, Part 17 of the Radio Mercur plus news, letters (more unknown facts the Government Files and Newscaster December 1976 Issue. .Other Groups http://offshoreechos.com
International Radio Report - the latest September report available from Hans Knot now. Hans Knot
sasradiogroup - another month and after the holidays more of a successful meet. Glad to see you all
August 2016
Caroline Support Group - Southampton
The next gathering of the Radio Caroline Southampton Support group on Wednesday 14th September from 7pm at the Netley Victoria Club, Netley near Southampton SO31 5DG. Come along and meet DJs and staff and hear all the latest news about the Ross Revenge. There will be the Caroline Sales stand with some of the latest merchandise. There is a bar and you are all welcome to join us for a £5 donation which includes a buffet and all proceeds will go towards the cost of work on board the Ross Revenge.
Great Canal Journeys - Written on 29th august last week I watched this as Pru and Timothy West they went across to the Netherlands. There is a shot - very, brief of the Norderney. Watch the whole show or zoom to around 26 minutes and keep your eye open! It's not there for long. Great Canal Journeys - Norderney
sasradiogroup - August meet good to see Ray and Martin absent for a couple of months. Hopefully after the holiday season we'll all be here at the same time! We chatted about various subjects including Dutch Low Power AM following on from our June newsletter. Radio Atlantis is easily audible on 1395 kHz after 23.00 hrs BST. Controversially Ruud has lost his AM licenses. His frequencies now to be utilised by 100 watt max transmitters. Radio Seagull get a 100 watt relay on 747 kHz. We thought this might exclude them from continuing on 1602,..wait and see.
Sylvia Peters - famous pioneering TV broadcaster, she was Continuity Announcer on BBC TV died on July 26, 2016. she started in 1947 and retired from that position in 1958. Famous for being the continuity announcer on Coronation Day, in the 60s she did various mainly BBC programmes. No I haven't gone mad. There is an offshore radio connection. In The Times obituary on July 28th it states she leaves her daughter Carmella Gosling, 61, a freelance studio floor manager, and her son-in-law Pete Gosling,71, a musician and her step children. I believe that Pete Gosling is Peter Gosling (the age is right) who sang "Peace" well known for being played on RNI across 1970 to 1974.
July 2016
Radio Caroline North - returns this weekend 30th / 31st July via Manx Radio on 1368 kHz. Featuring the period up to the end of 1987.
Susy Radio 103.4 - Friday 15th July Susy Radio celebrates four years as a fully fledged community radio station this Friday 15th July. Tune in on 103.4 or via the web at susyradio.com
LV18 - this is the base for the next UK RSL for Radio Mi Amigo. On air from 30th July to Sunday 7th August. Meanwhile if you watched BBC4 Britains's Lost Waterways: Escape to Swallows & Amazons (July 6th), LV18 featured towards the end of the section on the Essex Coast. Available on that BBC iPlayer.
Hans Knot International Radio a Report - another superb and highly informative Summer edition. Always worth a read and to visit the links.
The Goodwin Sands - The Times carries an article today (July 6th) about the fight to stop Dover Harbour Board dredging the Goodwin Sands. The board needs the sand and gravel to expand facilities at Dover port. Oscar winning actor Mark Rylance is leading the fight with a 6,200 signature petition and asking the public to lobby the MMO (Marine Management Organisation).The Goodwin Sands has seen thousands of vessels and lives lost. The campaign argues that it should be treated on the same lines as a graveyard or battlefield and should be protected. In addition the dredging of the sandbank threatens the local ecology and coastline from erosion.
sasradiogroup - a small meet last night on the 5th as people are away on holiday and at least two are working! I took in an album of photos from the 1970s - shots of Mebo 2, Norderney and MV Mi Amigo from 1972. Plus Delmare ships etc. Lots of chat about AM, Atlantis Radio 1395, and potential new AM community station for south London. As I'm writing this BBC Radio 3 is playing Til Eulenspeigal by Richard Straus. Oddly enough being an offshore geek I know this piece of music as it was used on the idents and as the them to Radio Antwerpen (1962) from the vessel Uilenspagal (Flemish spelling). Even Radio 3 has unknowing offshore radio connections.
Caroline Ahearnen 1963 to 2016 - Sadly another obituary, this time to Caroline who was only 52 when she died from cancer. A condition she battled ever since she was a young child. Finding fame as TV's Mrs Merton and also the creator and one of the stars as Denise of The Royle Family. In the 1980s Caroline was a DJ on Stockport based pirate station KFM. Here she co-presented a show with Craig Cash. Later on in the Royle Family he would play Dave her DJ boyfriend and later her onscreen husband of Denise. Her pirate radio show was where many of her comedy characters were created and evolved. These included Mitzi Goldberg a country and western singer, and a nun Sister Mary Immaculate. Mrs Merton was originally conceived as a radio agony aunt but at Craig's suggestion evolved into a talk-show host. Ahearne sending tapes into the BBC to Martin Kelner at that time working on Radio 2. This was her first legitimate foray into broadcasting. The Sunday Telegraph carrying some decent quotes from these. For example remarking "That's Eddie Calvert"..."He's dead at the moment.".
June 2016
Offshore Echos Magazine - Issue 184 landed on my mat at the weekend. (Time for me to renew too!) with "I Spy for RNI", an interview with Barry Everitt (the original Radio Geronimo and Radio Seagull), the Radio Mercur story continues with the events around the MV Lucky Star in August 1962, plus interviews, news, the Government Files and Newscaster from 1975 and 1976.Other Groups http://offshoreechos.com
Radio Mi Amigo - this is the RSL on 106.8 MHz from Harwich returning from the end of July with some shows via 6070. So you'll have two amigos on the 49 metre band the other being on 6005!
Ofcom - The Times Business section carried an article on Tuesday June 14th on their Baldock site and Spectrum enforcement. This put the blame on pirate radio, illegal use of frequencies by foreign fishing vessels, home use mobile telephone repeaters etc. this was a very one sided affair. Ignoring the fact that particularly Ofcom's licensing of PLT devices, some poor frequency allocations and inability to check all their licensed radio stations is also adding to the radio listeners and users issues.
RNIs Radio Election - Alfred Bunzl posted a link to a BBC local radio documentary from December 2011. Aired on BBC Coventry & Warwickshire. A great listen and a reminder to us all that we were listening into and fighting for real Free Radio.Tune into 1970 - The_Radio_Election_with_Paul_Rowley
sasradiogroup - thanks to all those who turned up. Very much an AM and short-wave orientated meet which went along with the June sasradiogroup newsletter - Dutch Low Power AM and pirate broadcasting. Andy got his phone and tuned us into a remote receiver.
Hans Knot June 2016 International Radio Report - Once again Hans pulls out another interesting read from his worldwide correspondents.Hans Knot
May 2016
Local Radio Day - join SUSY Radio 103.4 MHz and other local and community stations supporting Local Radio Day on Friday 27th May.
Dutch Offshore Radio Museum - May 24th Hans Knot posted on the RNI- Radio Northsea International and also the Laser 558 Facebook pages about a new offshore radio museum in Holland. In brief it is to be run jointly between 192 TV (Bert van Breda), Foundation Norderney (Ad Bouman and Juul Geleick) and Museum Rock Art (Jaap Schut). The plan is to open the museum in a part of the building used by 192TV in Nijkerk on 31st August this year. Former Veronica DJ Lex Harding is heavily involved with this exciting project.
It will not only cover the period 1959 from the start of Veronica to 1974 but beyond to the late 80s and the demise of Radio 819 and Caroline.
Beta Bangla Radio. - last week and, I apologise for the lateness of inserting this, Tony pointed me top the following article re Betar Bangla Radio playing a hardcore rap song. For the full article Bangla Radio
sasradiogroup - 3rd May 2016 a smaller meet than anticipated. We know where some of you were. Amongst the news discussed: The pirate on 94.2, Shortwave developments re KBC 6040 / 6095 and D.
RC on 6070 plus the news on Susy and Roger Day's 50th broadcast anniversary. I note that when we have bigger meets we do tend to stay on topic.Using message boards like Garry Stevens is fine but it's much more enjoyable meeting up in real life and having a summer drink. Make the most of the longer evenings and come down and join us!
Susy Radio - good news we can spill the beans from last months Susy Social! i) Susy Classic Rock with Ray Adams has now moved back to 10pm to 12 midnight on Sundays. This starts from 8th May!
The power of the radio and rock anorak can move programmes! ii) Metrobus are now sponsoring Traffic & Travel.
Hans Knot May 2016 International Radio Report - being at home this week means I've read it in one hit. A very enjoyable read. To see the whole newsletter go to Hans Knot
April 2016
Susy Social - I attended the meet and social event on the 8th. Not allowed to discuss internal Susy meetings as you'd expect. At the social met Susy DJ Chris Mitchell (currently doing occasional shows and Bank Holidays). Chris used to attend our meet and was also a founder member of the CM West London Branch laterly the West London Group. Astounded to learn that they still meet. They hold once or twice yearly "re-unions". Also Neil Munday had pictures of his recent day out to the Ross Revenge over the Easter holiday weekend. As well as meeting Johnnie Lewis (a founder member of the CM East Surrey Branch he also said he met two other people who knew me. Ian and Gina. Ian is also a founder of the CM East Surrey branch and Neil tells me they have both moved into East Anglia.
sasradiogroup- not a bad meet on the 5th. A couple of our regulars were missing. Much to discuss including the closure of KBCon 6095. Much talk about the short-waves today and Caroline's latest birthday.
March 2017
Great Canal Journeys - This Channel 4 programme visited Sweden on the first two episodes of the current series visited Sweden. Timothy West and Prunella Scales continue their odyssey cruising 320 miles across Sweden to Stockholm and out into the archipelago. For those of an Offshore Radio interest the final port of call was the Baltic Island of Sandham. This where the MV Bon Jour / Magda Maria home of Radio Nord ported on a number of occasions as an active radio ship. Available for 28 days on Channel 4 Catch Up. Here is a direct link: Great Canal Journeys
Tune Into Yesterday - Issue 77 the Spring edition fell onto our doormat just before Easter. Frank Sinatra and the Golden Age of Radio, and articles from the American version of Broadcasting 1941-1947. Plus Supplement 1 'Radio in Germany 1924-1949', Supplement 2 'From the Radio Archives 1936-1968 again mainly from the US version of Broadcasting
Hans Knot April 2016 International Radio Report - another excellent edition. Very interesting links to articles re operation of offshore radio transmitters by Dave Porter, G4OYX.Dave is a retired BBC Senior Transmitter Engineer who has written several articles concerning offshore radio. These articles are fairly technical, but also contain some interesting snippets and anecdotes that offshore radio fans might appreciate.
https://drive.google.com/open…Other articles here: http://www.bbceng.info/Technical%20Revie…/tott-combiners.pdf http://www.bbceng.info/Tech…/31-32_G4OYX_Signal_Issue_32.pdf http://www.bbceng.info/Tech…/34-37_G4OYX_Signal_Issue_34.pdf, http://www.bbceng.info/Tech…/21-23_G4OYX_Signal_Issue_35.pdf http://www.bbceng.info/…/24-30_G4OYX_Signal_Issue_36%20(1).…
To see the whole newsletter go to Hans Knot.
Radio Caroline - Radio Caroline North returns via the dedicated wed-stream. Starting at 9am on Good Friday and running through until 6pm on Easter Monday. Saturday and Sunday also via Manx Radio on 1368 kHz 219 metres.
Offshore Echoes Magazine - Chris Edwards reminds us that OEM 183 will be out shortly. With Tributes to Ed Stewart and John Tyler. Mel Howard, Radio Mercur Story part 15, September 1976: a week in the life of the Mi Amigo (my favourite Caroline era! I'm looking forward to that) Government files, Newscaster part 17 and more. Other Groups http://offshoreechos.com
Sealand - We're sad to announce the passing of princess Joan of Joan Bates, aka Princess Joan of Sealand, was born in Aldershot barracks to RSM Royal Artillery, Albert Collins, and his wife, Elizabeth. Widow of Roy Bates, aka Prince Roy of Sealand, she was a natural beauty who lovingly devoted her life to her husband. A former carnival queen and model, Joan led quite a high profile life alongside her husband, Roy. Joan became happily engulfed by the offshore pirate radio phenomena in the early 1960's, helping to establish the popular 'Radio Essex'. Joan and her family then went on to form their own sovereign state, the Principality of Sealand, on a wartime fortress in the North Sea in the late 60's. Roy declared the independence of Sealand on Joan's birthday, and with it her title of Princess, in a hugely romantic gesture on 2nd September 1967. Born 02 September 1929 to 10 March 2016
FCC - Hans Knot has pointed us across to the USA where the US Federal Communications Commission has announced steps to highlight the problem of Pirate radio ahead of an FCC Oversight Meeting of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. If you read this months SAS Newsletter Ofcom claimed pirate radio was a London phenomenon which we reported was untrue. See More at radio world - FCC v Pirates
Chris Evans - the answer to some of your questions is that he gets 10 weeks holiday at Radio 2 for vacation and other BBC commitments like filming Top Gear. Word on the street has it that Top Gear will air two weeks late and the initial run will be cut from ten to six episodes (the rest may appear in the Autumn) as it will now run into other sporting schedules.
March 2016 International Radio Report now available from our friend Hans Knot. Always a very interesting read and a good network of well and lesser known genuine radio interest people contribute to this. For full details see Hans Knot.
Radio Raspberry - The BBC website has an interesting story of how a German group are using Raspberry Pi computers at the heart of small transmitters to broadcast in Syria. Visit Raspberry Pi TX
sasradiogroup - a nice newsy meet on the 1st March. The latest issue of SAS Interference - No. 102 our famous London FM Issues. Eight pages reviewing and analysis of the past 14 months Of note at the meet if the strength of TFLive on 94.2MHz and where it may be coming from. Positive and sometimes negative comments on the changes earlier this year at SUSY Radio. Geoff Rogers we understand has taken on board some of the comments from SUSY listeners and ourselves. So expect changes around May and maybe Ray Addams Classic Rock show will be moved back to late evening on a Sunday!!
February 2016
Radio Workshop - Martin knowing of the severe problems that I have locally sent me this and I suggest you all watch this and thank Ray at Radio Workshop for his investigations. Interference Part Three. I need to launch my complaints with BT and see where I get.
SS Monte Carlo - Tony shared the following link which well worth a dip into! In the same way we are used to Offshore Radio the USA also had ships moored in International waters. In this case to get around the restrictions imposed by Prohibition in the 1930s. The Daily Mail has carried a story about this ship and her remains. Read all at: SS Monte Carlo
February 2016 International Radio Report now available from our friend Hans Knot. A mixture of 2016 news and offshore nostalgia. For full details see Hans Knot.
January 2016
Radio Caroline North 1368 kHz - The latest broadcast from 30th January to 31st January is based on the years from 1974 to the end of the MV Mi Amigo in 1980. from Holland back to the Essex Coast. A chance to hear from those involved in the move and some of the staff who joined the station at this time.
Helen Turnbull -Following on from the above I can't resist the fact that the former lifeboat Helen Turnbull now renamed 'Badger' is up for sale Lifeboat Sale This is the lifeboat that rescued the Mi amigo's crew.
SUSY Radio - 29th January Presenter SI CLARKE hosted a breakfast show with a difference today (Friday, 29th January) when he was visited by Adrian harms of BBC Surrey as part of their #WinterWarmUp Tour. During the week, BBC Surrey had been visiting various locations within their broadcast area, and taking a look at various activities found within those communities. Today was the last day of the tour, and included Merstham where Adrian visited the SUSY studios, he continued his tour moving onto Merstham F.C.
Project Redsand - The following is a statement by the project issued yesterday 19th January in response to articles in the national press:
"The Project Redsand Trust are aware of recent publicity from a person claiming to have interests in the Redsand Towers. We can categorically state that “Operation Red Sands Fort” are not a part of Project Redsand and have no connection with the Redsand Towers, also known as Red Sands Fort.
Any proposal for the development of the structures for their commercial use would first have to be considered by the Project Redsand Trust prior to approval being sought from Government Agencies. No consent would be given to the exterior re-modelling of this building of historical importance. The Project Redsand Trust do not condone any recent unofficial plans for change of use for private commercial gain of Red Sands Fort. Only the preservation and continuing restoration of a unique part of our coastal heritage in as close to its original form as possible."
Ed Stewart - many papers carried obituaries including The Daily Telegraph and The Times. Although the Telegraph carried some inaccuracies. Ed started in radio in 1961 in Hong Kong, joined Radio London in 1965 and the BBC in 1967. Having been made redundant by the Beeb in 1981 he joined Allied Radio (he may have been a shareholder) and did the first programme on Radio Mercury. This lasted for seven years until the stations very high costs forced them to cease employing him amongst other measures. He re-joined the BBC in the 90s. He famously played the explicit album version of The Beautiful South's "Don't Marry Her Have Me" on his afternoon show on Radio 2 and no-one complained.
NEWSFLASH- 9th January 5.15pm Ed Stewart - the well known former offshore Radio London and Radio 2 DJ and TV presenter has suddenly died from a stroke. His last broadcast on the BBC was on Radio 2 on Christmas Day presenting Junior Choice.
Celebrity Antiques Road Trip - two antique DJs 'Whispering' Bob Harris and ex Caroline DJ Johnnie Walker appeared on the edition dated 8th January on BBC2 Series5:15. Available on the BBC iPlayer for the next 29 days.Celebrity Antiques Road Trip
RKNW 1521 kHz - this SW London medium-wave pirate closed down on Boxing Day after four years operation. Site restrictions meant only a short aerial could be used and this combined with the low power resulted in a localised service area. Which is a shame as the programming was very good with many well known names giving their support over the stations history.
Red Sands Fort - creative firm Next Big Thing is trying to attract investors to turn the fort into a luxury resort. Where this leaves Project Red Sand we are unsure.
Continental Medium-wave Closures - France Info remained on 711 kHz for just one day before it was finally shut off 24 hours after the other French transmitters. The German AM station fell silent at 23.45 hours CET. Dutch pirate (Radio Paradijs) noted on 1440 after 208 final closedown playing vintage 208 shows.
Meanwhile turn the continental closures into a DX opportunity. Saudi Arabia is easily audible on 1440 and Libya on 1404. Whilst none of the closures opens up a US 10 kHz spacing channel it may help reduce side-splatter and assist with US AM DX this winter.